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Table of Contents


The Unified Platform allows Clubs to manage their Events seamlessly across the (back) Office, Axis-Website, and POS application; ensuring Administration, Members, and the Dining Room have the tools they need to set up, register, and manage the Club’s events.


Use Case(s)

A Club may wish to host a Father’s Day Brunch in one of their dining rooms and allow their Members to register for the event on-line.  The Club utilizes the Clubessential Office Product, the Axis Website product, and has the POS fully implemented in their Dining areas.  In addition to allowing the Members to register on-line, the Club is interested in assisting Members who call-in or walk-up with their registration.  Additionally, on the day of the event, the Club would like the Dining Room to have integrated visibility into the Event registrants, and be able to easily convert the registrations into POS tickets they can then charge to their Members.  The Unified Suite provides the Club with the ability to meet their goals. 


This video contains highlights from a training Webinar given on the Event Unification process.


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Table of Contents
excludeUnification - Events



To effectively create an Event that integrates throughout the Unified platform, begin in Office. 

Event Items 

An item must exist for every price level associated with an Event.   


Ensure both Items (in this example, Adult Brunch and Child Brunch) exist.  If they do not, set them up. 

Note Category for Event Items

Next, note the category that holds the Items.  Information from Office (pertaining to the Event Items and Event Prices) will sync with website based on Item Category settings.  In this example, Item Category is “Club Event.” 


Then, note the Item Group that holds the Category that contains the Event Items.  Will refer back to this later in the process.  In this example, Item Group is “F&B: Food.”

Event Category 

Next, navigate to the appropriate category to review/edit setup and ensure category is set up properly to sync with Axis Website product. 


After updating, click “Save and Close.” 


Sync Data to Axis-Website

In order for the Event data (associated Event Items and related Pricing) to sync to the Axis Website product, click on “System”, and then “System Settings,” as shown below. 


Then, click Save and Close on the System Settings tab. 


Once the Office tasks have been done to ensure Items, Pricing, and Categories are properly set,  proceed to the Axis-Website product to build the Event, and handle Registration. 

Build Event (as an Admin) 

Navigate to Club Calendar 


Option 2: Go to Admin Toolbar, and select, “Week/Month/Year” option under the Events column. 


Click to Add Event 

Complete Event Detail Tab 

Complete the Event Details, and click, “Save and Continue.”  Note that the Event Area selected in the Event Details screen (highlighted below) should equal the Area selected in the Category Settings (within Office).  Click Save and Continue. 


Once additional times are added, ensure the “Edit All Event Times” option is selected to define remaining Event settings for all Event times.  Then, click, “Save.” 

Complete Registration Tab 

Next, navigate to the “Registration” tab.  Check the box that says, “Allow Online Registration,” to ensure Members can register for the event online. 


Once the box is checked, additional fields will appear.  Populate Registration Setup details, Notifications, and Event Options as appropriate.  Then, click “Save Registration Settings.”  For this example, the Allow Spouse, Children, Guests, and TBA (to be announced attendees) options were enabled. 

Complete Billing Tab 

Once Registration tab is saved, a new tab, “Billing” will appear.  This tab contains the link to the Items related to the Event set up in the back Office.  Select the “Enable Billing” box to open Items that are available for linking to the Event. 


Once info auto-populated, choose “Save Billing Settings,” to proceed. 

Save and Close Event 

Once “Billing” tab is complete, return to “Event Detail” tab, and click, “Save and Close.” 


Click, “OK,” to confirm. 

Register (as a Member) 

Navigate to Club Calendar


Find/Select Event 


Register for the Event 

Member can select available seatings, and “Click Here to Register.” 


Help Members Register (as an Admin) 

Navigate to Event Manager 


Repeat process as required.  Online registrations may be edited as necessary.

Paycloud Integration

Event payments can be integrated with Paycloud. For more information on the implementation process, please contact your Customer Success Manager. Once integrated you can use the payments tab while editing the event to enable payments.


Press Save Billing Settings once finished. Members will now be taken to Paycloud when registering to Pay for the event.

Member Workflow

The member will access the calendar from the club’s menu within the website, and navigate to the event for which they wish to register.


Note: An optional confirmation pop up with “OK” button is configurable and may be displayed.

Point of Sale 

To view the event registrations within the POS, log in to the proper POS Terminal associated with the Event Area.  In the example provided, the Father’s Day Brunch will take place in the Moorings Sunset Grille, and the POS terminal associated with the area is as follows: 

Events Tab 

Once logged in, navigate to the “Events,” tab.  All registrations will appear on this tab. 


To view the Registrations, select the desired Seating, and existing registrations will appear in the grid below.



Convert Registrations to Member Charges 

To convert the registrations into Open Tickets, click on the desired reservation, and ticket will be generated to reflect the Fee Assignments designated in the Reservation, ie. 2 Adult, and 1 Child. 


Tickets may be closed out as normal from this point, based on Member payment preference. 


Member Charge All Function 

When multiple reservation tickets exist, they have been reviewed for accuracy, and all Members desire to charge to their Member account, the Member Charge All feature may be used. 


Note, tickets have been successfully closed out. 


Mobile POS

To view the event registrations within the Mobile POS, log in and select a device. Any event that is associated with an event area will be displayed in Mobile POS.


After the event is selected, you will see all reservations. Groups of members who share a reservation will appear on the same line.

Convert Registrations to Member Charges

To convert the registrations into Open Tickets, click on the desired reservation or click the check mark next to the desired registration and select Create Ticket


Note: Within Mobile POS there is no Member Charge All function.

Best Practices

  • When price changes need to be made to an Event, make all Price Changes to the Items within Office.  The price changes will then flow to the Axis-Website.
  • Use the Member Charge function only after reviewing the Tickets for accuracy.


Q. We have identified items to sync, but they are not appearing in the Billing tab of the website.  What’s the next step?

A. Ensure the Item Category for the Items you have set up for the Event are set to Sync by going to System Settings within the back Office, clicking on the Club Url endpoint, and verifying the Categories set to sync include the one attached to the Event.

Downloadable Guide

Unification - Events - Written Guide
