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Accessing the Tool

To access System ToolsScreengroup Designer,  

  1. Select System Tools POS on the bottom left corner of the main POS screen.

  2. The Select Screen Group Designer Grid, the Screengroup grid will launch.

  3. The primary functions associated with managing Screen Groups, creation, formatting, assigning, etc., are embedded in the Screen Group setup screen. This screen can be accessed by double-clicking on an existing Screen Group, or clicking the New New button.

Creating a New Screen Group

To create a new Screen Group:

  1. Navigate to the Screen Group Designer Grid and perform either of the following options to launch the Screen Group setup screen.

    • Option 1

      • Click the New icon on the toolbar.

    • Option 2

      • Right-click anywhere on the Screen Group Designer Grid and select New.

  2. The Screen Group setup screen will launch.

  3. Enter in a Name for the new Screen Group (Ex: Lunch Menu).

Please Note: The Draw Method (how the screen is spatially organized) for a new Screen Group defaults to Top Left Horizontal.  In this Draw Method, Screen Groups cannot be customized.

Please review the Customizing Screen Groups section of this document for an exact explanation on how to customize Screen Groups.

Button Types

As previously mentioned, there are several types of buttons that can be added to Screen Groups. In this section, we will review each type of button.

Category Button

The most commonly used type of button is a Category Button.  Selecting a Category Button within the POS will display all Items within the Category.  For example, by selecting the Appetizer button, all Items within the Appetizer Item Category will display.

For more information on Item Categories, please see our Items Manual.

Creating a Category Button
To create a Category button:

  1. Select Add Button.

  2. Select Category as the Button Type (Set to Category by default).

  3. Select the Category for which you’d like to create a button.

  4. This button will link to a screen that automatically displays all Items within the Item Category

    • Please Note: It is not necessary to create a Screen Group that includes an individual button for each Appetizer Item, the system does this for you as a result of the Category button.

  5. If necessary, the order in which the Items within a Category display on screen can be adjusted through the Item Category setup/edit form.

    • Option 1

      • Select the Item and use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to arrange the display order.

    • Option 2

      • Check the Always Alphabetize Items check box. If checked, the Items will be listed in alphabetical order on the POS screen.

  6. You can now select the Category Button in the POS.

Item Button

Users can use the Item Button to link a POS button to an individual Item, such as Potato Skins. Some Clubs find it useful to add buttons for frequently ordered Items, such as Diet Coke on their home screens. For more information on Items, please see our Items Manual.

Creating an Item Button

To create a button for an individual Item:

  1. Select Add Button.

  2. Select Item as the Button Type.

  3. Select the Item for which you’d like to create a button.

  4. You can now select the Item in the POS.

Modifier Button

Modifier buttons provide the wait staff with quick access to frequently used Modifiers.  For example, you might place the As a Meal button on your home screen.  

Please note: Most Items have forced Modifiers attached to their setup. However, this option gives users the ability to add frequently used Modifiers that would not typically be attached to an Item.  For more information on Item Modifiers, please see our Item Modifier Controls Manual.

Creating a Modifier Button

To create a button for an individual Modifier

  1. Select Add Button.

  2. Select Modifier as the Button Type.

  3. Select the Modifier for which you’d like to create a button.

  4. Now at the POS, this button can be used as a Modifier on currently ordered Items.

Modifier Group Button

A Modifier Group Button provides the wait staff quick access to frequently used Modifier Groups. Modifier Groups represent a collection of Modifiers nested under a single entity.  For example, you might use this to place a button on your home screen that links to a list of General Modifiers such as No Salt, Split Item, or Bring Two Plates. For more information on creating Modifier Groups, please see our Item Modifier Controls Manual

Creating a Modifier Group Button

To create a button for a Modifier Group:

  1. Select Add Button.

  2. Select Modifier Group as the Button Type.

  3. Select the Modifier Group for which you’d like to create a button.

  4. Now, when selected at the POS, this button will take the user to a list of Modifiers within the Modifier Group, that can then be used on currently ordered Items.

Daily Specials Button

A Daily Specials button provides the wait staff quick access to the specials of the day.

Only Items marked as “Daily Specials” on the Item setup/edit form will display on this screen.

Please Note: For more information on Items, please see our Items Manual.

Creating a Daily Specials Button

To create a Daily Specials Button:

  1. Select Add Button.

  2. Select Special as the Button Type.

  3. Enter the name you wish to have displayed on the POS button in the Caption box.

Item Combo Button

An Item Combo Button can be used to link a button directly to an individual Item Combo, such as Easter Dinner.

Item Combos allow users to sell multiple items with a single charge at the POS. For more information on Item Combos, please see our Items Manual.

Creating an Item Combo Button

To create an Item Combo Button:

  1. Select Add Button.

  2. Select Combo as the Button Type.

  3. Select the Combo for which you’d like to create a button.

Screen Group Button

A Screen Group Button provides the wait staff with quick access to other Screen Groups/POS Menus used throughout the club.

 For instance, many clubs will have a button on their Main Dining Room Screen Group that is linked to their Bar Screen Group. This allows the wait staff quick access to the Bar Menu while sales are still recorded in the Main Dining Room Area.

Creating a Screen Group Button

To create a Screen Group Button:

  1. Select Add Button.

  2. Select Screen Group as the Button Type.

  3. Select the Screen Group for which you’d like to create a button.

Customizing Screen Groups

As previously mentioned, Screen Group Buttons can be customized in terms of their position on screen, size, color, and font. In this section we will discuss how to customize Screen Groups.

Please Note: When creating a new Screen Group, best practice is to add ALL buttons to the Screen Group in the TopLeftHorizontal Draw Method first and then customize button size, color, etc.



A button’s font size, text color, and text alignment can also be customized in FreeForm.

Font Size

To customize the font size of a button


To customize a button’s tile color:

  1. Click to select the applicable button.

  2. Navigate to the Font Size Button Color section and enter select the desired font sizetext color.

Text Color

To customize a button’s text color:

  1. Click to select the applicable button.

  2. Navigate to the Text Color section and select the desired text color.

Text Alignment

To customize a button’s text alignment:

  1. Click to select the applicable button.

  2. Navigate to the TextAlignHorizontal or TextAlignVertical section and select the desired alignment.

Please note: Compared to Classic POS, Mobile POS has a limited color palette, options for Mobile POS can be found here.

Applying a Screen Group to An Area

For a Screen Group to show in the POS, it has to be applied to an Area. Once the Screen Group is applied, this Screen Group will show by default when users access the Area in the POS.

To apply a Screen Group to an Area:

  1. Select System across the top toolbar and choose Areas.

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  1. Select the applicable Area.

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  1. Navigate to the 

Screen Group
  1. Cloud SG section and select the applicable Screen Group.

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  1. Select Save & Close.