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Table of Contents


Member Types Groups are used designed as a club specific solution to classify members for reporting, billing, and marketing purposes on a club by club basis. The Office system allows the user to create an unlimited amount of Member Types depending on the clubs operationsan array of organizational purposes. Specifically, Member Groups can be used for Billing, Minimum,
Mailing/Marketing, and Reporting purposes. In this manual, we will discuss how to create both Static and Dynamic Member Groups.

Use Case

A Club’s Member types Groups could include the following: Corporate Golf Junior, Associate Golf, Honorary, Intermediate, Social, Tennis, Senior, and Resigned types. Additionally, Clubs usually set up an additional Member type for either the primary Member’s spouse or dependent where appropriate (ie - Social-Sp, Social-Dep) to ensure billing is processed appropriatelyAll Accounts, Men’s Golf Group, Hole In One, Ladies 9 Holes, Senior Golf, Wine and Dine.


Table of Contents
excludeNon-Member Payments

Accessing the Tool 

To access Member TypesGroups, select Membership across the top toolbar, and choose Types Groups.


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The Member Type Groups Grid will launch.

The primary functions associated with managing Member Types Groups are embedded in the Member Type Group setup screen, which can be accessed by double-clicking on an existing TypeGroup, or clicking the New button.

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Member Type Setup - Tab Overview

In this section will be review the various tabs within a Member Type.

General Information

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1) Enter a Name and Description (Optional) for the new Member Type.

2) Specify if the Member Type should have Minimum Age, Maximum Age, or both.

3) Reciprocal Club - If checked, the user will be required to enter reciprocity information at the POS when any member within the Member Type is selected.


Creating a New Member Group

To create a new Member Group,

1) Navigate to the Member Groups Grid and perform either of the following to launch the Member Groups setup screen:

a) Click the New icon on the toolbar.

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b) Right-click anywhere on the Member Groups Grid and select New.

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2) The Member Groups setup screen will launch.

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3) For all Groups, provide a Name, an additional Description (if desired), and choose the Group Type relevant to the New Group.  Note the lookup feature may be utilized to assist with Group Type.

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4) Once Group Type Lookup Value screen launches, select appropriate Group Type.

Note - the Group Type is an internal reference. Other than Minimums, all Group Types will behave in the same manner. Please refer to our Minimums guide for more information on the Minimum Group Type.

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5) If members within the Member Group should be exempt from tax on all transactions


at the club, please check, Tax Exempt.




Include group in web roster filter drop-down will indicate that the group should be selectable to sync with Website.


6) Event Class - Specify if the Member Type will be considered Member or Non-Member Revenue.

7) Company - Select the applicable Company to be attached to the Member Type.

Note: With the new multi-company capabilities, to see any Members or Member Types associated with a specific Company, the employee must have rights to a Department linked to that Company.

Late Fees

Select the applicable Late Fees on this tab.  For more information on Late Fees, please see our Late Fees guide.

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 The Rules tab allows the user to apply certain rules specific to the Member Type. Please see below for a description of each rule:

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1) Do Not Display Members on Member Grid - If checked, members within the Member Type will not display on the Manage Members Grid.

Note: If Do Not Display Members on Member Grid is checked and the user needs to edit a member within the Member Type, simply select the Active button on the Manage Members Grid and hidden members will be highlighted in yellow. Double click on the yellow highlighted member and edit as normal.

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2) Do Not Display Members in POS Lookup - If checked, members within the Member Type will not display in the POS.

3) Use Member Pricing - If the club distinguishes between Member and Retail pricing, check this box and members within the Member Type will receive the Member price rather than the Retail Price.

Note: Be sure to specify at the Item level the Retail and Member Price if applicable.

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4) Restrict Web Login - Only applicable to Axis and CSWeb clients. If checked, members within the Member Type will not be able to login to the website.

5) Visible on Web Roster - Only applicable to Axis and CSWeb clients. This box MUST be checked for members within the Member Type to be visible on the website roster. 



 This tab is ONLY applicable to CSWeb clients. Links and Axis clients please ignore this tab.  If web payments coming from CSWeb should default to a different Cash Receipt Type for ACH and Credit Card payments, please specify them on this tab. This Override will only apply to members within the Member Type.

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Creating a New Member Type

To create a new Member Type,

1) Navigate to the Member Types Grid and perform either of the following to launch the Member Type setup screen:

a) Click the New icon on the toolbar.

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b) Right-click anywhere on the Member Types Grid and select New.

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2) The Member Type setup screen will launch.

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3) Complete the General Information, and then navigate to each of the below tabs and enter all relevant information. It is recommended to enter information on these tabs in sequential order. Please see the Tab Overview section of this document for further instructions on each tab. 

  • General Information
  • Late Fees
  • Rules
  • Overrides (If Applicable)

4) Lastly, click Save & Close to complete the setup of the new Member Type.

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Best Practices


7) Please refer to our Unification – Groups guide for more information on the


Allow members to join this group online check box.

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Static Groups 

Static Groups are created by manually adding members to groups and can include any member, regardless of their setup.

To establish a Static Group, select the Static option (Selected by Default), and then add Members to the Group by clicking on the Member selection box. Members can also be added to a Member Group through the New Member Wizard or the within a Members Profile. Please see our Membership Management guide for more information.

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Check Members to include in Group, and then, click, Select.

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The selected members will display in the Selected Members screen.

To remove a member from a Static Group, please perform either of the following below:

1) Highlight the Member in question from the Selected Members screen within the Member Group and choose Remove Selected.

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2) Navigate to the Groups tab within the member’s profile, highlight the Member Group in question from the Selected Member Groups screen and choose Remove Selected.

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Dynamic Groups

Dynamic Groups automatically add members based on defined rules/certain criteria for inclusion within the group.

To set up a Dynamic Group, select the Dynamic option.  Confirm Dynamic Group setup by clicking, Yes.

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Then, specify parameters/criteria of the Group. Age, Gender, Birth Month, Member Status, Member Type, Member Groups, Spouse, #Non-Spouse Dependents and their respective age ranges, years of Membership, and Report Criteria may all be used to define how Membership within the Group will be generated.

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Note: To utilize the Report Criteria, click, on the Valid Reports option to view which reports can be utilized to define Membership.

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If a new report is needed, navigate to Interactive Reports, create and save the report (to a recognizable name).

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Navigate back to the Group setup screen, and then choose the new report utilizing the Report Lookup feature.

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Members who meet the criteria specified will be listed on the Members tab.  However, please note that the Member Lookup and Remove Selected feature have been disabled on the Members tab. The only way a member is added to the group is if they meet the criteria specified, and the only way to be removed from the group is to fall out of the specified criteria.

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Be sure to select Save & Close when set of the new Member Group is complete.

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Best Practices

  • Set Dynamic Groups to target the exact group you are looking for, based on specified criteria - ie - Birthday’s this month, Member’s with an overdue balance, or Member’s in a specified Membership type.

  • Use Static Groups to manually specify a group of people ie - Board Members, Special Interest Committees, Members with Bag Storage, or Members with Cart Plans for example.


Q. Can Members be part of more than one Member TypeGroup?

A. A Member can be assigned to only one Member Type. A Member can, however, belong to Multiple Member Groups, so if your Club is setting up a Type to accomplish something that would better be accomplished through a Group, consider setting up a Member Group instead of an additional Member Type Yes, Members can belong to any number of Static, Dynamic, and/or mixtures of these Groups.

Downloadable Guide

Member Types Groups - Guide