Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


On the next screen in the Wizard, designate the Members for whom the Statements should be printed.  The screen will default to the Member Group, All.  Designate the Print Order (either by Member ID, or Last Name), and then add Members by clicking the Member Select button.  Note: The Members that appear in the next screen are controlled by the Member Group selected.


The Member Lookup window will launch.  The Has Statement Address column will be checked if the Member is configured to have a printed statement.  To easily select all Member who are configured for a printed statement, filter the Has Statement Address column for checked, and then click, Select All.  To add all selected Members to the list for statements, click Select.

If a filter is not applied, all Members will be returned.  Members listed in RED are not configured to receive a printed or emailed statement.  Many Clubs and Members are choosing to go paperless, and access their Statements via the club Website.  To remove a Member inadvertently added to the listing who is not set up for Statements, select the Member, and click Remove Selected.

If a large number of Members appearing in RED have been added to the listing, click the Click to Print List of Warning Members option at the bottom.  Review listing for accuracy.   Click Next to proceed.  (If listing is not accurate, make edits as necessary).

Click OK provided the above review has been performed and was accurate.

 Additional Attachments
For more information on how to attach more than one document or image to the statement email, please see the article on Additional Attachments to Statement email. 

Printing Settings 

Next, define the final set of options.  Begin by designating which statements to email from the available options.


Then, determine whether statement details should be included.  This option (available only for Members who have “include statement details” checked in the Financial Information section of their Member profile) enables miniature copies of supporting tickets to be included with the summarized statement.   

Populate the Statement Publish Date.  (Also available in Month End Wizard and System Settings, Membership, as previously shown).

Click Next to continue.


Next, create an email that will contain the PDF statement.  Provide an Email Subject, and type the message.  Use formatting tools as well as Snippets.  Click on the drop-down arrows (next to Member, System, Custom Fields, and Member Financial) to access available snippets.  When complete, click Finish.

When finished (blue status bar at bottom complete), the screen will show Members that processed and will also list any errors in processing so further investigation can be done.  Click OK to acknowledge statement completion, and click Close to exit wizard.


Q. What is the best way to re-print a statement for one Member? 

A. The easiest way to re-print a statement for one Member, is to go to the Member’s profile.  Click on the Statements tab (in the Financial Information section), double-click on the statement date to reprint, navigate to the Printed Statement tab, and then click Print.

Best Practices 

  • Post all period batches prior to generating statements. 
  • To minimize processing time, it is recommended to Print Statements and Email Statements in separate processing batches.  Oftentimes, Clubs print statements first, and then produce email statements while stuffing envelopes.

    For more information on how to attach more than one document or image to the statement email, please see the article on Additional Attachments to Statement email

 Downloadable Guide

Membership End of Month - Guide
