Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Table of Contents


Ensure both Items (in this example, Adult Brunch and Child Brunch) exist.  If they do not, set them up. 

Note Category for Event Items

Next, note the category that holds the Items.  Information from Office (pertaining to the Event Items and Event Prices) will sync with website based on Item Category settings.  In this example, Item Category is “Club Event.” 


Find/Select Event 


Register for the Event 

Member can select available seatings, and “Click Here to Register.” 


Help Members Register (as an Admin) 


Note, tickets have been successfully closed out. 


Best Practices

When price changes need to be made to an Event, make all Price Changes to the Items within Office.  The price changes will then flow to the Axis-Website.


Mobile POS

To view the event registrations within the Mobile POS, log in and select a device. Any event that is associated with an event area will be displayed in Mobile POS.

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Once logged in, navigate to the Events tab. The default date will be Today's date. Click on the calendar icon to change to the desired date.

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While viewing the correct date, any event on that day associated with an event area will be available. Use the drop down to select the event. For this example, we will be looking at the Labor Day BBQ.

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After the event is selected, you will see all reservations. Groups of members who share a reservation will appear on the same line.

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Convert Registrations to Member Charges

To convert the registrations into Open Tickets, click on the desired reservation or click the check mark next to the desired registration and select Create Ticket

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First Select who will be paying for this ticket, then select which members will be paid for. Once selected, Click OK

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Additional items may now be added if desired. Tickets may be closed out normally from this point, based on member payment preference.

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Reservations with Open tickets will change from white to yellow. Closed tickets will be displayed as green.

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The grid will now show how many attendees have been paid for in each reservation. Creating a new ticket for that reservation again will only allow for tickets to be created for the un-paid attendees.

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Note: Within Mobile POS there is no Member Charge All function.

Best Practices

  • When price changes need to be made to an Event, make all Price Changes to the Items within Office.  The price changes will then flow to the Axis-Website.
  • Use the Member Charge function only after reviewing the Tickets for accuracy.


Q. We have identified items to sync, but they are not appearing in the Billing tab of the website.  What’s the next step?
