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FormBase Introduction


Table of Contents

Table of Contents
excludeTable of Contents


Accessing FormBase

FormBase can be accessed by using the Admin Dashboard or by using the Admin menu item in the navigation.


FormBase Interface

Clicking on "FormBase" will open a list of forms and provides several options.




View Form Templates

Switch to the list of templates for forms

Edit Questions

Edit the questions available for forms

Form Reports

Create and edit reports to view the results


Deletes the form


Opens the options for editing the form


Shows a preview of the form

DO NOT use this link when sending to members. This is a preview only and does not include a submit button.


View form submissions and statistics. Can also export results from here.

Additional FormBase Resources

Enterprise FormBase - Creating


Clicking on the “Add New” link will create a new form. Clicking “Edit” next to any for will allow you to edit the form. Either option opens the dialog below where you can configure several settings.





Sets the form title.

This is used in the form listing and reports

Form Category

Assigns the form to a category for easy sorting

Form Link

The live link to the form

*this option does not appear until the form is initially saved

Header HTML

Sets information that displays above the form

*this option does not appear until the form is initially saved

Footer HTML

Sets information that displays below the form

*this option does not appear until the form is initially saved

Confirmation HTML

Sets the information that displays after a user has submitted the form

*This option does not appear until the form is initially saved

Form Width

The width of the form.

Can use percentage or pixels

Form Align

Sets the form alignment

Form Spacing/Padding

Sets the spacing and padding of the form area

Submit Button Text

Sets the text of the submit button

Default is “Submit”

Enable as a Public Form

Check to allow non-members to submit the form

*Use Template questions for first name, last name, and email address. Otherwise, form results will appear to come from “Public User” instead of the name of the person that submitted the form

Display CAPTCHA for Submission

Enables CAPTCHA to prevent bots from submitting public forms.

Users Can Submit Form One Time Only

Uncheck to allow users to fill out the form multiple times.

Allow Users to Edit Their Input Once Submitted

Check to allow users to edit their answers

*Does not work if users can submit more than once

Show *Required Questions Text

Check to show warning in footer about required questions

Show Complete Another Form Button on Confirmation

Check to show a button the confirmation screen that allows users to complete another form

Collect Credit Card Info

Configure options to collect payment information via the form

Enable Member Picker for Admin Submissions

Check to allow admins to fill out the form for other users

Auto Launch Member Picker if Enabled

Check to automatically show the member picker instead of requiring admins to select it when the form loads.


Configure the formulas for the form (more on this in a later reading)

*This option does not appear until the form is
initially saved

Edit Keys

Edit the keys for the form. Keys require the user to provide a particular code in order to submit the form.

*This option does not appear until the form is
initially saved

Admin Email

Email notifications go to this email address(es) specified here. For multiple names, separate with semi-colons and a space.

*Required to Save the form upon creation

Anti-Spoof Email

Put an email address here to prevent email security at the club from blocking notification emails to the admin.

Notification Email Criteria

Use to set criteria for who receives the notifications. Can be used to send notifications to different admins depending on how the form is filled out.

Send Email to Admin on Submission

Check to send notification emails to admin listed in Admin Email/Email Criteria fields

Admin Email Sent from User Address

Check to set email notifications to go to the admin email from the user's email address.

Send Email to User on Submission

Check to send a confirmation email to users when they submit the form.

*If form is public, use template question to capture public user emails

Include Submission Details in Admin Email

Check to include the form details in the email notifications that go out to admins.

Include Submission Details in User Email

Check to include the form details in the email notifications that go out to users.

Submission Details Format

Set the format for the submission details if either of the above two options are checked. Options are:

Carbon Copy of Form, which sends an exact duplicate of the form - including it's layout.

Lined with All Questions, which sends a copy of the form with all questions, line by line

Lined with only Answered Questions, which sends a copy of the form with only the answered questions, line by line

User/Admin HTML Email

Sets the HTML for the user and/or admin email notifications.

*This option does not appear until the form is
initially saved

User/Admin Email Subject

Sets the subject for the user and/or admin email notifications

User Text Only Email

Sets the plain text version of the user notification email.

Adding Sections

Edit Sections

Clicking on the "Edit Question Layout" button will open the layout editor for the form where you can add/remove/configure questions.

Before you can add questions to the form, you must add at least one section to the form. Do so by clicking on the "Edit Sections" link at the top of the layout editor.

This will list all existing sections (none for new forms) and allow you to add others. Click on the "Add New Section" link to add a new section, give it a name, and configure its properties.

Section Settings

After you have added a section, you can configure its options




Section Name

The name of the section

This is required, it creates a styled header for the section

*If you do not want a header bar, you can use the space bar to create a nameless section


Sets the width of the section

Cell Padding

Sets the cell padding for cells inside of the section table.

Cell spacing

Sets the cell spacing for cells inside the section table

Question Cell Align

Sets the alignment attribute for the cell that contains the question text

Answer Cell Align

Sets the alignment attribute for the cell that contains the answer field

Question Cell Width

Sets the default width of the question cell.

can be overridden in the question settings.

Managing Questions


Questions are not created on a per-form basis. Rather, you create questions globally and use them on any form you create for the site.

Because of this behavior, adding/editing questions requires special care/attention to avoid changing questions on all forms or removing data.

Clicking on the "Edit Questions" link on the main FormBase page will bring you to the questions page. Here you can search through, edit, or add questions.


Adding Questions

If the question you need to add does not exist or you need to create a new question for some other reason, click on the "add New Question" link.

This will bring up a dialog where you can choose the question options.


The default question is a text box, but you can choose from the following options:



Text Box

Creates a question for storing generic text/numbers/symbols.

Can be adjusted to accept only certain input (e.g. numbers, zip codes, phone numbers)

Text Area

Creates a question for storing larger amounts of text/numbers/settings


Stores a date

Question displays as a date picker.

Check Box

Creates a single Question that users can check or not.

Dropdown List

Creates a dropdown list full of options that users can select.

Options are added via question settings.

Users may select a single option.

Check List

Creates a list of questions with check boxes next to them.

Options are added via question settings.

Users can select multiple options.

Radio Button List

Creates a series of radio buttons.

Options are added via question settings.

Users can select a single option.

Single Select List Box

Creates a list box with the specified options.

Options are added via question setttings.

Users can select a single option.

Multiple Select List Box

Creates the same as above, but allows users to select multiple options.

Template Question

Creates special questions that are used to capture certain information.

The most common example is email address. Email address must be collected as a template question on public forms if notifications are sent to the user.

Editing Questions

To edit questions, click on the pencil icon next to any of the questions. This will open up the dialog with the question settings.

Any of the question settings can be changed, including the question type. However, changing the question type will delete all existing answers for a question - from any form.

Make sure that all of the data pertaining to the question is backed up in all forms that use the question before changing the question type.


To make browsing and sorting easier, questions can be assigned to categories by using the Category field in the question.

Use the dropdown list to choose an existing category, or click "Edit Categories" to add a new one.

Adding Questions

Editing Question Layouts

Once you have added one or more sections to the layout, click on the "Return to Questions" link to return to the interface for adding questions to the form.


First, select the section that you wish to edit by clicking on the dropdown next to "Select the Section to Edit". Once you have it selected, you should see either a blank canvas (as in the screenshot above) or the existing layout (if you are editing an existing form).

Adding Questions

Form layouts rely on tables, so you will be adding rows and columns to the form and then assigning questions to each cell.

Start by clicking on the "Add Row" button to add a row. This creates a single cell.

To add a question to the cell, select a question from the "Select a Question to Assign" dropdown and click on the "Assign to Row x, Column X" link in the cell you wish to assign the question to.


When you click on the "Select a Question to Assign" dropdown without selecting a category, you will see a list of all of the available questions for the club. Questions are sorted by the date added, so if you added new questions, they will be at the bottom. If you assigned your questions to categories, you can use the "Question Category" dropdown to select a category and filter the "Select a Question to Assign" dropdown.


At the bottom of the question selection is the option to add a Mini-HTML Section. This is not a question, but a placeholder for arbitrary HTML. You can insert any content that you wish in here.

Editing Question Settings

Each question can be customized after being added to the form.

Click on the "Edit" button in the question cell to edit the question properties.


You can edit the following options (for most question types):






Question Control


The default value for the question.

Can be either an absolute value (e.g.,
'') or a snippet
(e.g., ##EMAIL1##).

This is useful for prepopulating forms for
members when the information appears in
their profile.

Click on the "View Snippets" link to view the
available snippets.

*This option is not available for template questions


Question Style


CSS style to apply to the table that holds the question.


Horizontal Alignment


Set the horizontal alignment for the cell that holds the question table.


Vertical Alignment


Sets the valign attribute for the cell that holds the question table.


Cell Ratio

Sets the ratio of question text to answer field in the question table.

The default is 35/65, which means that the cell with the question text has a width of 35% and the cell with the answer field has a width of 65%.

This setting adjusts this ratio so you can make fields smaller or larger depending on the length of the question text.

*Set the question at 0/100 to hide the question text and show only the input.
