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  • This line was added.
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CRM - Modules and Topics

Table of Contents


The Axis Editor is the main editing tool used anywhere content and imagery is placed throughout the website.

Use Case(s)

Website Admins and Editors will use the Axis Editor when updating content and imagery on the website.


This video provides an overview of how to use the Axis Editor.

Note: Sections of the video have been referenced below with corresponding times in the video for ease of access

Total Video (Length)9:39   
Accessing the Axis Editor0:48 Styling Imagery6:02
Axis Editor Tools Overview1:16 Adding Hyperlinks6:40
Adding Content5:01 Adding Tables7:46
Styling Content5:31 Styling Tables8:00
Adding Imagery5:48   




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excludeAxis - Editor


Accessing the Tool 

Click to Edit: Access the Axis Editor by clicking on any Click to Edit button on the website.

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Editor Tools

The Quick Tab Toolbar and the Menu Bar of the Axis Editor contain the main tools that will be used to edit content.

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Quick Tab Toolbar

The Quick Tab Toolbar contains commonly used icons and options to format content.

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Save: Sets changes live immediately.

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Undo/Redo: Reverse to previous step, or re-do previous undone step.  Click the small down-arrow to the right of the buttons, to see (and optionally select) a list of the latest steps to undo or redo.

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Cut/Copy: Cut and Copy content within the editor.

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Paste as Plain Text: Code is carried over from outside sources, which is not compatible with the website design. Instead of pasting content directly into the Axis Editor, use the Paste as Plain Text function to paste content. This tool will strip formatting so the proper formatting can be applied.

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Style Tags: Font options that were determined during the design phase. Apply Style Tags to change the font throughout the content.

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Font Options: Additional font options that may be used.

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Image Explorer: Opens the Image Explorer for adding imagery to the content area.

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Insert Table: Allows for a table to be added.

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Insert Hyperlink: Used to insert various hyperlinks such as: event links, article links, document links, page links, or to remove hyperlinks.

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Insert Snippet: Snippets are dynamically populated based on information in the Directory and Accounting system. Snippets may be used to personalize pages (Examples: Member Name, Email Address, Minimum Left Unspent).

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Format Stripper: Used to remove hidden style codes from the content.

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Menu Bar


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Page: Here we can save our work, access logs, and save drafts and templates.

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Save as Draft: Save page changes for later. This will not publish the changes live, and allows the page to be worked on at a later date.  Once saved, Drafts are stored (and retrievable) under Revisions.

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Save as Template: Save Pages as Templates.  A Template is a pre-formatted file that serves as a starting point for a new document in the future.  Oftentimes, templates are used in conjunction with Email.

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To save new template, name the template, click on the desired folder location to save template, and then click Save Template.

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Revisions: Shows previous version of the page changes. May be used to load an older version of content to the page. This is where we access Drafts and Logs after we Save as Draft.

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Format: Alternate ways to address font styling.

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Tables: Different Options for working within tables.

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Adding Content

Inserting Content

 Content can be added by directly typing into the editor, or by copying from an outside source and pasting into the editor. If copying from another source, please use the Paste as Plain Text function as detailed below.

 Copy content from another source like Word by highlighting the text and using CONTROL + C to Copy.

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Go back to the Axis Editor, and open the Paste as Plain Text Function.

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Once the Paste as Plain Text function is open, use CONTROL + V to paste the text into the Paste as Plain Text function. Then click Paste to insert the content into the Axis Editor.

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Once the content is in the Axis Editor, highlight the text and apply various Style Tags as needed.

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Heading 1: typically used for Page Titles


Heading 2-6: used for various sub-headings

Normal: used main body text

Inserting Images

Images must first be uploaded to the Image Explorer before they can be used on the website.

    •  Access the Image Explorer from the Quick Tab Toolbar or from the Menu Bar under Insert > Image.  

Quick Tab Tool Bar

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        Menu Bar

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  • Choose the Folder in which your image is located.

  • Double click on the Image Name to Insert onto page.

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Styling Images

Add styling Images such as wrap text and padding.

Right click on the Image > Image Properties

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Choose Text Alignment to have content wrap around the image.

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Add Padding to create space between the image and content.

  • Common Padding Sizes: 5px, 10px, 15px, 20px.

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Below, we can see we have space, or Padding, between the image and the content.

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Inserting Tables


    • Click on the Table function from the Quick Tab Toolbar, or use the Menu Bar, Insert > Table

Quick Tab Toolbar

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Menu Bar

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  • Choose the amount of rows and columns for the table and the table will automatically be inserted on the page.

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  • Click mouse inside cell of inserted table and start typing.  Cell will expand.

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Styling Tables

  • Right click on the inserted table, and choose Table Properties.

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  • Apply styling to the Table or Cells.

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  • Adjust Table Width or Height by adding a percentage or pixels.

    • It is best to not assign a height as the table will grow with the amount of content

    • It is best to assign a 100% width to the table so it spans the full content area.

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  • Adjust Cell Width or Height by adding a percentage or pixels 
    • Useful when wanting each cell to have a fixed width or height 

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  • Apply content position to the table.

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  • Apply content position to the cells.

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  • Apply padding to cells using the Style Builder option.    

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Save/Publish Content

When finished editing, click Save to publish changes and exit the Editor.

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Q: I copied content into the editor, but the font does not match the styling of the website font.

A: Be sure to use the Paste as Plain Text function when copying font from an outside source. Copying from another source will copy over the font styling from the outside source. Once you use the Paste as Plain Text, you can then use the Style Tags to apply the appropriate font designated for the site design.

Q: What is the best way to format a list of names or contact information on a page?

A: An easy way to style names or contact information using multiple columns is by using tables. This way, the information can line up properly by applying styling to cells, rows, or columns.

Q: I need to add an image to my page, how do I add it?

A: First, the image must be added to the Image Explorer. After the image in in the Image Explorer, you can then use the Insert > Image function in the editor which will access your library database from the Image Explorer.

Best Practices


  1. When copying content from an outside source, always use the Paste as Plain Text function to strip outside formatting. This will ensure that the proper pre-defined font options are applied to the content.

  2. Using additional font options is not recommended as it is best to streamline content font. It is best to only use the Style Tags option.

  3. Resize and Crop Images prior to using imagery on the website to ensure the proper dimensions rather than resizing on the page.

  4. Remember to Save after edits are made or edits may be lost. Once Saved, the changes will publish live.


Downloadable Guide

Axis Editor - Guide

Next Lesson: Image Explorer


Table of Contents

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Widget Connector

Accessing the Tool 

  1. From within your CRM, click on the Campaigns link in the sidebar, under the Communication section.

Starting a New Campaign

  1. From the Campaigns screen, click on the blue button labeled Create New Campaign.


  1. All the information on this screen is for internal use only - your selected recipients will not see anything that you enter on this page.

    • Title: Enter a title for your Campaign, that you will use to find the Campaign in your Drafts, or in your Campaign History. This is often the same as your email subject, but it can be anything that describes the current Campaign.

    • Category: Categories are optional, and can be useful if you are sending many Campaigns through your CRM, to help organize your Campaign History and/or Drafts. For example, if you are sending multiple Campaigns about the same event or promotion because you need to target multiple queries, using a shared Category would help you keep track of these linked Campaigns.

    • Description: Descriptions are also optional fields, and can be useful to differentiate your Campaigns if you are sending many/similar messages via the CRM.

    • Campaign Type: Choose either Email, or Mail Merge. Most Campaigns will be Emails, so this document will focus on this option.

  2. When finished populating information, click Next Step - Add Targets


  1. In this step you will select who will receive the email from this Campaign. To begin, click the blue button labeled Add Targets.

  2. In the Send To dropdown box select Object or Query

  3. Object: This will allow you to send to all Contact records within your CRM at once (which you probably never want to do), or allow you to choose records to target one by one. This can be useful if the group you are targeting can not easily be selected in a query.

    • Send To: Choose Object

    • Object Type: Choose the Object to send to (most likely Contacts)

    • Records:

      • Choose All Records to send this Campaign to ALL records within your CRM.

      • Choose Selected Records to bring up an additional section for you to select individual contacts.

    • Select Records: This section appears when you select Selected Records in the option above. Search for contacts by name in the search bar, and click Filter to narrow down the list. Check the box next to each contact that you would like to send this Campaign to.

    • Email Fields: Select the CRM email field(s) that you would like to target for each selected record you’ve chosen.

    • Return Email Targets: Click this button once you have filled out each of the options above, and your targets will be selected for this Campaign.

  4. Query:This allows you to send an email to the results of a query saved in your system. This is useful for sending emails to groups of contacts in your system that are grouped together by shared criteria, such as Membership Level, Qualification or Age, to name a few.

Create Message 

  1. In this step you will craft the actual email which will be sent to the selected targets of this Campaign.

    • From: Choose an email address from the list that you would like the emails in this Campaign to be sent from (if you do not see your email address on this list, please contact your CRM Support Team).

    • Subject: Enter the subject of the email. This will be seen by the recipients.

    • Content: Create the body content of the email that will be sent.

      • Click to Edit - Opens the legacy editor to create your email

      • Edit as Text - Opens a window that allows for HTML editing

      • Click to Edit - New - Allows you to utilize the new email editor for composing your campaign

    • Schedule: Select if you would like the emails in this Campaign to be sent only one time, or on a recurring basis.

    • Send At: Select the time that you wish to send the emails out (or, if you have set up a recurring email, the time for the first batch of emails to be sent).

Step 4 - Review

  1. In this step you have the opportunity to review your input for all previous steps. If you notice any edits that need to be made, you can easily return back to any step in the process either by clicking on the button at the bottom of the screen labeled Last Step - Create Message or by clicking on the name of the step from the cookie trail at the top of the screen.

  2. Finally, at the bottom of the Review screen, there are four options:

    • Last Step - Create Message: This will bring you back to the previous step and enable you to make any changes to the email.

    • Send Test Message: Displays a small popup window that enables you to send this Campaign to a single recipient - as a test only - so that you can review the format of your email in a live email client.

    • IMPORTANT NOTE: It is highly recommended that you utilize this feature at least once before officially sending the Campaign.

    • Save Draft: Saves your current Campaign as a Draft and returns you to the list of active Campaigns.

    • Finish: This is your Send button. Once you click Finish, the system will queue your email messages to be sent according to the schedule you set earlier. If you chose Now as your desired time, then clicking the Finish button will queue your emails to be sent immediately.

Additional Campaign Resources

Viewing Your Campaign History

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