Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Axis - Getting Started

Table of Contents


The Axis Editor is the main editing tool used anywhere content and imagery is placed throughout the website.

Use Case(s)

Website Admins and Editors will use the Axis Editor when updating content and imagery on the website.


This video provides an overview of how to use the Axis Editor.

Note: Sections of the video have been referenced below with corresponding times in the video for ease of access

Total Video (Length)9:39   
Accessing the Axis Editor0:48 Styling Imagery6:02
Axis Editor Tools Overview1:16 Adding Hyperlinks6:40
Adding Content5:01 Adding Tables7:46
Styling Content5:31 Styling Tables8:00
Adding Imagery5:48   




Table of Contents
excludeAxis - Editor


Accessing the Tool 

Click to Edit: Access the Axis Editor by clicking on any Click to Edit button on the website.


Editor Tools

The Quick Tab Toolbar and the Menu Bar of the Axis Editor contain the main tools that will be used to edit content.


Quick Tab Toolbar

The Quick Tab Toolbar contains commonly used icons and options to format content.


Paste as Plain Text: Code is carried over from outside sources, which is not compatible with the website design. Instead of pasting content directly into the Axis Editor, use the Paste as Plain Text function to paste content. This tool will strip formatting so the proper formatting can be applied.

Image Modified

Style Tags: Font options that were determined during the design phase. Apply Style Tags to change the font throughout the content.

 Image Modified

Font Options: Additional font options that may be used.

 Image Modified


Image Explorer: Opens the Image Explorer for adding imagery to the content area.


Format Stripper: Used to remove hidden style codes from the content.



Menu Bar

The Menu Bar contains commonly used actions and additional ways to access formatting tools when working in the Editor.


Tables: Different Options for working within tables.


Adding Content

Inserting Content

 Content can be added by directly typing into the editor, or by copying from an outside source and pasting into the editor. If copying from another source, please use the Paste as Plain Text function as detailed below.

 Copy content from another source like Word by highlighting the text and using CONTROL + C to Copy.

Go back to the Axis Editor, and open the Paste as Plain Text Function.


Once the Paste as Plain Text function is open, use CONTROL + V to paste the text into the Paste as Plain Text function. Then click Paste to insert the content into the Axis Editor.

Once the content is in the Axis Editor, highlight the text and apply various Style Tags as needed.


    • Heading 1: typically used for Page Titles

    • Heading 2-6: used for various sub-headings

    • Normal: used main body text

Inserting Images

Images must first be uploaded to the Image Explorer before they can be used on the website.


  • Choose the Folder in which your image is located.

  • Double click on the Image Name to Insert onto page.


Styling Images

Add styling Images such as wrap text and padding.


Below, we can see we have space, or Padding, between the image and the content.


Inserting Tables

Tables can be used to help align content. Most commonly used when adding lists in columns such as contact information, tournament results, or document links.


  • Click mouse inside cell of inserted table and start typing.  Cell will expand.

Styling Tables

  • Right click on the inserted table, and choose Table Properties.


  • Apply padding to cells using the Style Builder option.    


Save/Publish Content

When finished editing, click Save to publish changes and exit the Editor.





Q: I copied content into the editor, but the font does not match the styling of the website font.


A: First, the image must be added to the Image Explorer. After the image in in the Image Explorer, you can then use the Insert > Image function in the editor which will access your library database from the Image Explorer.

Best Practices


  1. When copying content from an outside source, always use the Paste as Plain Text function to strip outside formatting. This will ensure that the proper pre-defined font options are applied to the content.

  2. Using additional font options is not recommended as it is best to streamline content font. It is best to only use the Style Tags option.

  3. Resize and Crop Images prior to using imagery on the website to ensure the proper dimensions rather than resizing on the page.

  4. Remember to Save after edits are made or edits may be lost. Once Saved, the changes will publish live.


Downloadable Guide

Axis Editor - Guide

Next Lesson: Image Explorer