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The Unified Platform allows Clubs to manage their Events seamlessly across the (back) Office, Axis-Website, and POS application; ensuring Administration, Members, and the Dining Room have the tools they need to set up, register, and manage the Club’s events.


Use Case(s)

A Club may wish to host a Father’s Day Brunch in one of their dining rooms and allow their Members to register for the event on-line.  The Club utilizes the Clubessential Office Product, the Axis Website product, and has the POS fully implemented in their Dining areas.  In addition to allowing the Members to register on-line, the Club is interested in assisting Members who call-in or walk-up with their registration.  Additionally, on the day of the event, the Club would like the Dining Room to have integrated visibility into the Event registrants, and be able to easily convert the registrations into POS tickets they can then charge to their Members.  The Unified Suite provides the Club with the ability to meet their goals. 


This video contains highlights from a training Webinar given on the Event Unification process.

Note: Sections of the video have been referenced below with corresponding times in the video for ease of access

Total Video (Length)15:08

Office - Event Items and Category Setup0:47
Website - Event Registration10:10
Office - Sync to Website2:21
POS - Events Tab13:07
Website - Event Set Up3:17
POS - Member Charge All14:15
Website - Billing Tab (Unification)6:01




To effectively create an Event that integrates throughout the Unified platform, begin in Office. 

Event Items 

An item must exist for every price level associated with an Event.   

For example, if there are two pricing levels to the Father’s Day Brunch



Two items must exist within Office to reflect this. 

    1. Adult Brunch - $20

    2. Child Brunch - $15


Ensure Event Items Exist

To ensure the proper Items exist, navigate to the following: 

    1. Click on “Items” Module

    2. Click on “Manage Items” 

Perform search for Items.  In this example, enter “brunch” to return Items containing brunch. 


Ensure both Items (in this example, Adult Brunch and Child Brunch) exist.  If they do not, set them up. 

Note Category for Event Items

Next, note the category that holds the Items.  Information from Office (pertaining to the Event Items and Event Prices) will sync with website based on Item Category settings.  In this example, Item Category is “Club Event.” 


Note Group for Category Containing Event Items

Then, note the Item Group that holds the Category that contains the Event Items.  Will refer back to this later in the process.  In this example, Item Group is “F&B: Food.”

Event Category 

Next, navigate to the appropriate category to review/edit setup and ensure category is set up properly to sync with Axis Website product. 

    1. Click on “Items” Module

    2. Click on “Manage Item Categories” 


Review/Edit Category Setup 

Perform search for Category.  In this example, “Club Event” is the Category associated with the Brunch Items. 


Once Category is identified, click on Category to review/edit Item Category. 


Note: Event Items will appear in listing on the Item Selection tab. 


Next, navigate to the “Areas” tab, and ensure the Area of the Event is selected.

In this example, the Brunch will take place in the Moorings Sunset Grille. 


After updating, click “Save and Close.” 


Sync Data to Axis-Website

In order for the Event data (associated Event Items and related Pricing) to sync to the Axis Website product, click on “System”, and then “System Settings,” as shown below. 

On the left side of the screen, navigate to Website, Clubessential, and then double-click the Club Url as shown below to launch the Endpoint Editor.


Review Item Categories Already Set to Sync

On the Item Category tab, ensure Category attached to Event is set to sync.  If it is in the listing on the Item Category tab, it is already set to sync to the Axis-Website product. 

In this example, category, “Club Event” in the “F&B:Food” Group is in the listing, and therefore is set to sync.

Add Category to Sync

To add a Category to the listing of Categories set to sync to the Axis-Website product, click on the button shown below on the Item Category tab.


Next, find the Category by performing a search, select the category, and click, “Select.”


Category will then appear in the Item Category list.

When edits are complete, click the “Accept Changes” button at the top of the Endpoint Editor screen.


Then, click Save and Close on the System Settings tab. 


Once the Office tasks have been done to ensure Items, Pricing, and Categories are properly set,  proceed to the Axis-Website product to build the Event, and handle Registration. 

Build Event (as an Admin) 

Navigate to Club Calendar 

Option 1: Click on “My Club”, and “Club Calendar”


Option 2: Go to Admin Toolbar, and select, “Week/Month/Year” option under the Events column. 


Click to Add Event 

Complete Event Detail Tab 

Complete the Event Details, and click, “Save and Continue.”  Note that the Event Area selected in the Event Details screen (highlighted below) should equal the Area selected in the Category Settings (within Office).  Click Save and Continue. 


To add more than one seating to the event, choose, “Add New Time” from the bottom options, and repeat adding details with second seating times.  Add additional times as necessary. 


Once additional times are added, ensure the “Edit All Event Times” option is selected to define remaining Event settings for all Event times.  Then, click, “Save.” 

Complete Registration Tab 

Next, navigate to the “Registration” tab.  Check the box that says, “Allow Online Registration,” to ensure Members can register for the event online. 

Once the box is checked, additional fields will appear.  Populate Registration Setup details, Notifications, and Event Options as appropriate.  Then, click “Save Registration Settings.”  For this example, the Allow Spouse, Children, Guests, and TBA (to be announced attendees) options were enabled. 

Complete Billing Tab 

Once Registration tab is saved, a new tab, “Billing” will appear.  This tab contains the link to the Items related to the Event set up in the back Office.  Select the “Enable Billing” box to open Items that are available for linking to the Event. 

Populate the new fields that appear.  This is where it will be helpful to have noted the Group that held the Event Item’s Category.  Select appropriate Group, Category, and Item, and then, click, “Save”.  For this example, the Adult Brunch is the first fee type to be added.  Add Fee Types for all pricing levels of the Event. 


Note: The Value field in the Website will auto-populate based on Office data.  Therefore, if the Event price needs changed, go into Office and change it, and it will then flow over to the Website. 

Once Saved, Fee Type added will be shown (Adult Brunch).  Next, repeat the above step for second fee type.  In this example, “Child Brunch,” would be the second fee type. 


The “Inventory” feature would not be appropriate in the Father’s Day Brunch example; however, may be appropriate when an Event has a certain number of seats, multiple entrees, and limited quantities of each entree.  Once the Inventory runs out, the entree no longer appears on the registration for Member selection. 


In the example above, once (20) Steak Entrees were chosen by registrants, only the Chicken Entree and Fish Entree would then appear for selection.

Once existing fee types have been established, assign the fees appropriately.  Options available in the drop-down listing will be the existing fee types available for assignment.  Once complete, click, “Save Billing Settings.” 


Note: The following boxes may be checked to designate that the Users may select their Fee Assignment.  For example, this would be useful in Events that have different priced Entrees, from which a Member could choose.  


If checked, the options such as Steak Entree, Chicken Entree, and Fish Entree would appear in the drop-down (instead of Adult Brunch or Child Brunch). 

Additionally, if this fee structure is something that will be repeated in the future, the “Save As Template” option may be utilized instead of the “Save Billing Settings” option.  For instance, if future brunches will have Adult Brunch price of $20, and Child Brunch price of $15, this would be useful to establish as a template. 


When, prompted, select, “Create New Template”, name the template, and click, “Save.” 


The template would then be available in the “Load from Template” drop-down list for future reference.  After clicking the “Enable Billing” option, and selecting the Default Brunch template from the drop-down menu, the remaining info on the screen (Fee Types and Fee Assignments) would populate. 


Once info auto-populated, choose “Save Billing Settings,” to proceed. 

Save and Close Event 

Once “Billing” tab is complete, return to “Event Detail” tab, and click, “Save and Close.” 


Click, “OK,” to confirm. 

Register (as a Member) 

Navigate to Club Calendar


Find/Select Event 


Register for the Event 

Member can select available seatings, and “Click Here to Register.” 


Help Members Register (as an Admin) 

Navigate to Event Manager 

From the Admin toolbar, select, “Event Manager,” under the Events Column. 


Event Manager will launch. 

Select Event 

Scroll to find the appropriate event. 


Note: When there is more than one seating for an event, they will appear as separate line items.

Select the appropriate seating to launch Admin Registration window.   


In the example below, Club Admin will help a Member register his party for the 10:00am seating of the Father’s Day Brunch.

Add Registration 

Click, “Add Registration.” 


Registration Screen will then launch.

Complete Registration

Begin by designating Party size.  In this example, Rusty Abbott has called, and will be bringing his spouse and child.  Therefore, the Party Size is 3. 

Next, select Member on the right side of the screen.


Note Member will then populate in Registered Attendee Grid. 


Click “Spouse” and “Child” to indicate Rusty will be bringing his Spouse and Child with him to the Brunch.  Note, Guest could also be added and screen to enter Guest’s name (optionally) would appear. 

Proper pricing will auto-populate based on the respective “Spouse” and “Child” selection. 


Additional fields, such as Registration Owner Email and preferred Table Number could be completed.  If email address is already on file in Member’s profile, email will auto-populate. 


Once complete, click, “Save Registration.” 

Review Registration

Registration will then appear in the Event Details.


Repeat process as required.  Online registrations may be edited as necessary.

Paycloud Integration

Event payments can be integrated with Paycloud. For more information on the implementation process, please contact your Customer Success Manager. Once integrated you can use the payments tab while editing the event to enable payments.


Once enabled, you can edit the payment window by adding a header, disclaimer, and confirmation message. You can also require payment when registering.

Press Save Billing Settings once finished. Members will now be taken to Paycloud when registering to Pay for the event.

Member Workflow

The member will access the calendar from the club’s menu within the website, and navigate to the event for which they wish to register.

After selecting, “Click Here To Register”, the event registration window will populate with the “Total Additional Fees Due”.

The user will select “Next Step” in the lower right hand corner.

This will launch a Payment Page - automatically signing the member into PayCloud, and launching an embedded PayCloud form.

Note: The payment amount will automatically populate with the member’s total due for the event, and cannot be edited. New payment methods can be added directly from the Payment Page, and any previously saved credit cards or bank accounts will populate automatically.

Note: Selecting “Return to Site” instead of “Continue” will return the member to the event registration page, indicating they are currently part of an incomplete registration for that event as seen below.

Once the member selects a payment method and clicks “Continue”, the following confirmation page will be displayed. The member can choose “Cancel” to return to the previous screen, or the member can “Submit” the Payment.

If the member submits a successful payment, they will be redirected back to the event registration page, indicating that they have successfully registered for the event.

Note: An optional confirmation pop up with “OK” button is configurable and may be displayed.

Point of Sale 

To view the event registrations within the POS, log in to the proper POS Terminal associated with the Event Area.  In the example provided, the Father’s Day Brunch will take place in the Moorings Sunset Grille, and the POS terminal associated with the area is as follows: 

Events Tab 

Once logged in, navigate to the “Events,” tab.  All registrations will appear on this tab. 


Events will default to today’s date; however other date’s events may be viewed by clicking on “Today” to launch the “Select a Date” window, or utilizing the arrows to the right and to the left of “Today” to move forward or backward one day at a time. 


For the example, Father’s Day Brunch occurs on June 19th.  Both seatings are available for viewing when the date is set to June 19th. 


To view the Registrations, select the desired Seating, and existing registrations will appear in the grid below.



Convert Registrations to Member Charges 

To convert the registrations into Open Tickets, click on the desired reservation, and ticket will be generated to reflect the Fee Assignments designated in the Reservation, ie. 2 Adult, and 1 Child. 



Tickets may be closed out as normal from this point, based on Member payment preference. 


Member Charge All Function 

When multiple reservation tickets exist, they have been reviewed for accuracy, and all Members desire to charge to their Member account, the Member Charge All feature may be used. 

First, select “Multi-Select” to enable multiple ticket selection. 


Next, select all tickets to be member charged. 


Then, choose, “Member Charge Selected,” option from the bottom of the screen. 

System will automatically “Member Charge” the tickets. 


Note, tickets have been successfully closed out. 


Mobile POS

To view the event registrations within the Mobile POS, log in and select a device. Any event that is associated with an event area will be displayed in Mobile POS.

Once logged in, navigate to the Events tab. The default date will be Today's date. Click on the calendar icon to change to the desired date.

While viewing the correct date, any event on that day associated with an event area will be available. Use the drop down to select the event. For this example, we will be looking at the Labor Day BBQ.

After the event is selected, you will see all reservations. Groups of members who share a reservation will appear on the same line.

Convert Registrations to Member Charges

To convert the registrations into Open Tickets, click on the desired reservation or click the check mark next to the desired registration and select Create Ticket

First Select who will be paying for this ticket, then select which members will be paid for. Once selected, Click OK

Additional items may now be added if desired. Tickets may be closed out normally from this point, based on member payment preference.

Reservations with Open tickets will change from white to yellow. Closed tickets will be displayed as green.

The grid will now show how many attendees have been paid for in each reservation. Creating a new ticket for that reservation again will only allow for tickets to be created for the un-paid attendees.

Note: Within Mobile POS there is no Member Charge All function.

Best Practices

  • When price changes need to be made to an Event, make all Price Changes to the Items within Office.  The price changes will then flow to the Axis-Website.
  • Use the Member Charge function only after reviewing the Tickets for accuracy.


Q. We have identified items to sync, but they are not appearing in the Billing tab of the website.  What’s the next step?

A. Ensure the Item Category for the Items you have set up for the Event are set to Sync by going to System Settings within the back Office, clicking on the Club Url endpoint, and verifying the Categories set to sync include the one attached to the Event.

Downloadable Guide

Unification - Events - Written Guide

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