Interactive Reports gives you the ability to filter, sort, and group the data using criteria. The available criteria are specific to the information the report contains. The report functions give you the ability to customize date settings, save criteria settings, delete saved reports, and schedule an email delivery. In this section you will learn how to use the criteria and report functionality.
Click on the Interactive Reports Icon from the left menu bar.
On the Report Overview page, there is a list of reporting categories to choose from, or the User can search for a topic in the top search bar. It is best to keep the topic as broad as possible. If the club wants to see POS sales search for sale.
Item Combo Sales
Displays the sales for Item Combos. Capable of choosing which combos to report on, the types of combos sold within a date range. Each Combo has a break out of the items contained within and the sales associated to each item.
To run Item Combo Sales, select the report from the Items Dropdown,
Select the Date Range.
Choose the Item Combos.
Select the Combo Types.
Select the Item Categories.
Choose the Areas.
Choose the Item Groups.
Select View Report.
In this example we ran the report for one day and chose to show all combos and areas. The report shows us the Combo Item, Date Sold, Member sold to, Items within the Combo, Units Sold, Sales, Discounts, Net Sales, Tax, and Service Charge amounts.
Item GL Posting Summary
Displays the mapping sequence of an Item to the General Ledger with the ability to select the specific type of mapping sequence. Options include Sales, Discount, Comp, Asset, and COGS ledgers as well as Tax Code.
To run the Item GL Posting Summary, select the report from the Items Dropdown,
Select the Item.
Choose the Type of summary.
Select View Report.
In this example we ran the report for our Lobster Bisque item and chose the type of Sales Ledger. We are given the Item name, Account #, Configuration Level (Where the sales account is set. If overridden at the item category or item level, this will be reflected in the report.), Configuration Path.
Item Sales
Provides a list of all sales for the club for a specific time frame. This can be filtered by Area, Item Groups, Item Categories, Member Types, or Employees. Search feature is available for a specific Vendor or Member Group. Grouping can be done by Item Group, Employee, Area, or Meal Period. Option to Include Deleted Employees, show SKU numbers, Exclude Guest Member, and Show Tax and Service Charge. Option to min-max quantity sold to filter out items that don't meet the criteria.
To run Item Sales, select the report from the Items Dropdown,
Set the Date Range.
Choose the Item Groups.
Choose the Member Types.
Choose how to Group By.
Select the Item Categories.
Select the Member Group.
Set the Detail Level.
Choose the Areas.
Select the Vendor.
Choose Employees.
Select View Report.
In this example we ran the report for year to date through Aug 9 2023. We chose to group by Item Group and set the detail level to Transaction so that the report ran fully expanded. The report shows us the Item, Units Sold, Sales, Discounts, Net Sales, Tax and Service Charge. Because we chose to run fully expanded, we see the date and member as well as the area that the items were sold in.