Banquets Webinar & Video Archive

Hello and welcome to your Webinar & Video Archive!

Miss one of our previously scheduled Live Webinars? Want more info on the product? No problem. Watch at your convenience by clicking on the videos below.

Banquets Basics - Events and Menus

Our revamped Banquets training series starts with configuring Events and Menus. Learn how to build Menus and Items the apply those menus to a new Event and Function. This training is part one of three.

Banquets Behind the Scenes - Advanced Event Functionality and Payments

Join us for a new session that is part of our revamped Banquets training series. This advanced session is focused on administrator level functionality and will cover closing events, deleting and reimporting events, and taking payments. This training is part two of three.

Banquets BEOs - Reporting and Correspondence

Join us for a revamped Banquets training series. This final session focuses on administrator level functionality and will cover reporting and correspondence functionality.