Website - Getting Started


Tackling social media can be daunting. With so many different platforms and such a wide variety of ways to utilize each, it can be a little overwhelming.  Below are some helpful tips and tricks to best use social media as a tool to drive meaningful traffic to your site, whether its Member traffic or new traffic from prospects. 



First, let’s start by stating the most important thing.  Using social media is a commitment. Posting regularly is one of the most important tools. If you are not ready to commit to posting on a consistent basis then now may not be the time to try and utilize social media.

Next, there are so many different social media tools. If you are just starting out, a best practice is going to be to start with one platform and master that platform first. Then tackle a different platform, while still continuing to use the first platform.  Trying to take on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Yelp all at once can be too much. Start with Facebook, master that, then add Instagram to your toolbox.

And last, but certainly not least, the goal is to use social media to drive traffic to the website. We do not want to use the website as a tool to drive people to your social media and we don’t want Members and prospects to use social media as their primary location for club information.


Best Practices

Now that we’ve covered the big picture, below is a break down of best practices for each of the major social media platforms. These best practices can be carried over to paid and sponsored social media efforts as well. 





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