Office - Mobile POS - Retail Guide - As an Retail Manager
Table of Contents
- 1 Overview
- 2 Required Permissions
- 3 Accessing the Tool
- 3.1 Opening a Ticket
- 3.2 Member Lookup
- 3.3 Navigating the POS Screen
- 3.3.1 Adding an Item to a Ticket
- Item Icons
- 3.3.2 Editing Items
- Multi-Edit
- 3.3.1 Adding an Item to a Ticket
- 3.4 Ticket Level Options
- 3.5 Additional Information About the Member
- 3.5.1 Always Email A Receipt
- 3.5.2 Favorites
- 3.5.3 History and Returning Items
- 3.5.4 Preferences
- 3.5.5 Credit Book
- 3.5.6 Mobile Ordering
- 3.6 Settling the Ticket
- 3.6.1 Single Settlement Type
- 3.6.2 Multiple Settlement Types
- 3.6.3 Quick Settlement
- Quick Cash
- Quick Charge
- 3.7 Open Tickets Tab: Additional Functionality
- 3.7.1 Unlock
- 3.7.2 Transfer
- 3.7.3 Member Charge
- 3.7.4 Delete
- 3.7.5 Multi-Edit
- 3.8 Closed Tickets Tab
- 3.9 Fly Out Menu
- 3.9.1 Member Lookup
- 3.9.2 Item Lookup
- 3.9.3 Ticket Lookup
- 3.9.4 Gift Card Balance
- Reassign Gift Card
- 3.9.5 Messages
- 3.9.6 End of Shift Report
- 3.9.7 Manage Timekeeping
- 3.9.8 Shift History Report
- 3.9.9 Ticket Audit Report
- 3.9.10 System Tools
- CE Payments
- Prompt for Signature on Settle
- Show Print Preview on Settle
- Use Member-Facing Payment
- Override Ticket Date
- 3.10 All Open Tickets
- 4 Best Practices
- 5 FAQs
In this manual, we will discuss the various functionalities within our Cloud Based Mobile POS- Retail System.
Use Case(s)
The Mobile POS- Retail System is used in the Golf Shop, Tennis Shop, Fitness Center and anywhere else retail transactions should occur within the club
Required Permissions
POS Terminal access and related category rights
Access to the Various Reservation Systems if the club has them
Kiosk Service Code
Accessing the Tool
Select the Mobile POS Application to launch the Mobile POS or access the Mobile POS Application via browser with the following link:
Enter your POS Pin Code (Consult a Club Admin if you do not know your code) and select Continue
Opening a Ticket
If you have any Open Tickets they will be displayed on the Open Tickets Tab: you can touch or mouse click to open the Ticket.
To open a New Ticket, choose New Ticket.
Member Lookup
Enter the Member Number or Member Name.
If this is not a Member, select Guest Member on the top right.
As you type the number or name, the screen will display the results. Click, or touch the member name.
Multi Select -If you need to assign the same item(s) to a large number of members (i.e. a tournament fee) Use the blue stacked button to the right of the member search bar.
If the club controls more than one company using the All Companies checkbox will show all members across the shared database.
Navigating the POS Screen
Adding an Item to a Ticket
Navigate to the applicable button within the Screen Group, and either touch or click to add the Item to the Ticket. In this example, we are navigating to the Racquets Item Category Button, and selecting the Tennis Racquet Wilson Jr. Item to add to the ticket.
The Item will then be added to the Ticket.
Item Icons
Some items may have icons in the upper left corner of the screen. These are related to the “Ask for” options within the item in CMA.
Ask for Price: Allows the user to enter a custom price in for the Item.
Ask for Name: Allows the user to enter a custom name for the item
Ask for Quantity: Allows the user to enter a quantity of items sold.
Ask for Guest: Requires a name of a guest entered for the item.
To navigate back to the main Screen Group, select the Home button or the Back Arrow to get to the previous screen.
Proceed to add any additional Items to the Ticket as needed.
When adding Items to a Ticket, there are two additional ways Items can be added besides selecting directly from the Screen Group (POS Menu); Search and Camera Scanning.
The Search option can be used to find an Item to add to the Ticket. Click the Search icon in the Screen Group section of the screen.
Enter the name of the Item into the Search area. Once found, click on the Item to add it to the Ticket.
For Mobile POS users with an Android device or iPad device, the Camera Scanning option can be used to add an Item to the Ticket. Click the Camera Scanning icon in the Screen Group section of the screen.
Scan the bar code of the Item to be added to the Ticket.
Editing Items
To access the functions associated with Editing an Item (Eg. Delete, Discount, Upcharge, etc), touch or click the applicable Item from the Selected Items Screen.
Below are the option associated with Editing an Item:
Upcharge - Will prompt for an amount to override and increase the price of an Item
This will prompt for an amount to override and increase the price of an Item.
Enter the amount to override the price, or use the canned percentages.
Notes: The amount entered must be greater than the Item Price. If you want to decrease the price, use the Discount option.
Discount - Gives users the ability to discount an Item. Requires security rights.
A message box will pop up if you do not have security rights to Discount. You will need to get a manager to continue. Have the Manager Enter their PIN Code and click OK.
Users will be prompted to Enter a Reason for the Discount. Select from the list of Pre-Created Discount Reasons.
Enter the Discount (on the right side are pre-set percentages, if none of these are what you want select the Other option to manually enter the desired percentage). If it is a flat dollar discount amount, then use the numbers on the left of the screen. Click OK when finished.
Comp - Gives users the ability to comp an Item. Requires security rights.
A message box will pop up if you do not have security rights to Comp. You will need to get a manager to continue. Have the Manager Enter their PIN Code and click OK.
Users will be prompted to Enter a Reason for the Comp. Select from the list of Pre-Created Comp Reasons.
Once the Reason has been selected, the Comp will apply.
Remove Discount- Gives users the ability to remove any discounts currently added to an Item. Requires security rights
Change Quantity - Users can change the Quantity on an Item (including making quantity negative for a credit). When entering a negative Quantity, select the minus (-) sign first and then select the amount of the negative Quantity. Click OK when finished.
Add Message - Users can add an additional message for the item. This is commonly used in FNB and can be ignored here.
Change Modifiers - Users can add, change, and delete Item Modifiers. This function is for FNB and not used here.
Delete - Used to Delete an Item from a Ticket.
Transfer - Used to transfer an item from one ticket to another ticket, with the option of creating a new ticket during the transfer. Clicking New Ticket will automatically create a new ticket for the transferred item and return the user to the original ticket. The new ticket will be created without a Member Name; instead it will contain Guest/Nonmember and can be found on the Open Ticket tab.
Please follow the instructions below in the event a user needs to edit multiple Items at once (Eg. Discount multiple Items by 20%).
Select Edit Items.
Select the applicable Items.
Note: Users can use the Arrows to Reposition Items on the Selected Items Screen.Once the applicable Items are selected, choose Edit X Items.
Choose the applicable option, and proceed to edit the Items.
Ticket Level Options
In this section, we will discuss the Ticket Level Options of the Mobile POS (Eg. Delete Ticket, Add Ticket, Print Pay Ticket, etc). Please see available options below.
Build New Ticket
Please follow instructions below in the event a new quick ticket needs added.
Select the plus sign (+) to the right of the Member’s name.
The Member Grid will populate. Select the applicable Member or choose Guest Member if this is a Guest.
This creates a new ticket. To get to the original ticket exit the current one and find it on the Open Tickets Tab.
Print Pay and More Options
The Print Pay option prints the pay receipt ticket prior to closing the ticket.
Clicking More will populate additional options for the user to choose. Each option is discussed below.
Change Member- Used if the member to be billed needs to be changed for any reason. The Member Grid will populate. Select the applicable Member or choose Guest Member if this is a Guest.
Change Message - Used to enter an additional message to be sent to the kitchen after already adding a message.
Delete Ticket- Will delete current ticket.
Additional Information About the Member
Please follow instructions below to access additional information about the Member.
Touch or click the Member’s photo, or if the Member does not have a photo, touch or click the grey placeholder image.
If the Member has any defined Preferences, the Member's photo (or grey placeholder) will display with a red ring around it to alert staff (this is primarily for FNB so can be ignored here).
The Member Profile will be displayed and will include information about the member such as the member's email address, phone number, member number, member type, birthdate, minimum activity, MAP score, and member groups. In addition, the member's dependents will be listed within the Member Profile page.
Click on any dependent to display their Member Profile at the top of the screen in place of the member that was being viewed. Click back and forth between dependents to display the Member Profile you want to view at the top of the screen. Note: Minors will be displayed with a (M) behind their name. The determination of minors is based on Birthdate. If the Member does not have a Birthdate stored in CMA, they will not be flagged as a minor.
Click on the Member's picture to enlarge it. Click it again to return it to it's original size.
Always Email A Receipt
Check the Always Email A Receipt box for members that want to go paperless and always want to receive receipts via email. Once checked, receipts will be emailed for any tickets settled for the member via the Mobile POS device. It will remain checked indefinitely, unless unchecked.
Click the Favorites button to view or search the Member's favorite items. (Primarily FNB use)
History and Returning Items
Click the History button to view or search a Member's ticket history.
Use the From and To Dates to specify the date range for viewing ticket history.
Use the Area drop down to select the Area for viewing ticket history.
Use the Dependents checkbox to include Dependent tickets in viewing ticket history.
Clicking on any Item within the Ticket History Grid will display the ticket details and give the user the option to print the ticket. If the Club has more than one printer, the user can select the printer used for printing. The printer linked to the device in CMA will always be shown as the default printer.
Clicking the Checkbox to the left of any item will allow the item to be Returned.
Returning items from historical tickets will open a Quick Ticket for the Member crediting them for the returned items.
Please Note: If the item is inventoried, a return will place that item back into inventory. If a credit card is used the system will refund the money to the card used. The member may need to provide the card at this time.
Click the Preferences button to view or create Member Preferences.
Click Create Preference to add a new Preference for the Member.
Click to the Category Search icon to select the Category for the Preference.
Click on the name of the Category the Preference pertains to, or click Create Category to define a new Category if one does not yet exist.
Enter the new Preference for the Member and click OK.
The Preference will be added the the Member's list of Preferences.
To remove a Member Preference, click the checkbox of the Preference to be deleted and then click Delete.
Credit Book
Click the Credit Book button to see the Member's Credit Book Balance as well as Credit Book Transactions.
Mobile Ordering
Click on the Mobile Ordering button to single sign on into Mobile Ordering as the Member themselves to place an order for them. While normally used in FNB situations this is valuable for Retail if a member asks for a food order waiting for them when they are finished with their round of golf, tennis lesson, yacht cruise, etc. To learn more about Mobile Ordering and it’s process CLICK HERE.
Settling the Ticket
In this section we will discuss options for Settling a Ticket. Please follow instructions below for Settling a Ticket using a Single Settlement Type, Multiple Settlement Types, or a Quick Settlement.
Single Settlement Type
Select Pay on the bottom left of the POS Screen.
Users will be taken to the Settle Ticket screen where they will see several Payment Options and Settlement Options.
Select the appropriate Settlement Options before selecting the Payment Option.
Tax Exempt - When toggled on, prevents the Member from being charged Tax on their ticket. Requires permissions
SC Exempt - When toggled on, prevents the Member from being charged a Service Charge (if applicable) on their ticket. Requires permissions.
Email Receipt - When toggled on, the POS emails a copy of the ticket receipt to the Member’s default email address stored within CMA, the Member's email address will be pre-populated upon settling but can be changed. The user will be prompted to confirm the email address or change/enter the email address after clicking Done when Settling a Ticket.
Print on Settle - When toggled on, prints a copy of the ticket receipt to the printer linked to the Mobile POS device in CMA.
Note: Within System Tools of the Fly Out Menu, there is a setting called Show Print Preview on Settle. If this is option is activated for the Mobile POS device, then this setting will take precedence over the Print On Settle option. When Show Print Preview on Settle is activated, the system will display a copy of the Member's receipt on the Mobile POS screen after clicking Done when Settling a Ticket. If the Club has more than one printer, the user can then select the printer to be used to print the receipt instead of printing to the default printer linked to the device.
Select the appropriate Payment Option.
When settling the following screen will appear. To settle the full amount, click the Blue Amount Button at the bottom of the screen.
The user will be returned to the Settle Ticket page showing Ordered Items, Sub Total, Tax, Service Charge (SC), Grand Total, Settlement Type, and any Change Due.
The user has the option of cancelling a settlement by clicking the X next to it on the receipt window or completing the transaction by clicking Done in the upper right corner of the screen.
Clicking X to cancel the Settlement will display a screen asking the user to confirm the cancellation. Click OK to cancel.
Clicking Done will display the Sale Complete screen indicating the amount of Change due to the Member if a cash settlement was used. The user will have the option to View Receipt or Exit.
Clicking View Receipt will give the user the option of printing the Receipt if desired. If the Club has more than one printer, the user can select a specific printer rather than always printing to the default printer linked to the POS device.