Kitchen Display System Line Station

Table of Contents


  • Line station is where the tickets are sent to when the server hits send at the point of sale.  There are cold and hot lines and each allows for you to manage the items that need to be prepped for the ticket

Required Permissions


Accessing the Tool

Access or launch the mobile app and log into your Station using your pin.  Choose a line station from the station selection list and continue.  

Hot Line landing page

  1. Settings - Set the configuration of the Station.  

  2. Switch Station - Allows you to quickly switch which station you are viewing on this device.

  3. Station History - Will show the History of the day’s orders for this station.

  4. Station Filtering - Show only the tickets you wish to see for this station.  

  5. Show All Day - Will provide information on all tickets for the day.  

Ticket Window

Tickets will come in as the orders are sent from the point of sale.  And will be assigned a color based on the settings of their station for the items.  The tickets themselves will change color based on timing.

Color Changes

  1. Green - Green tickets are tickets that have just come in and are new.

  2. Orange - Warning status for the order

  3. Red - Over/Past due status, orders in this status should be prioritized and bumped if possible.  


You can filter tickets by 

  1. Table number 

  2. Ticket number 

  3. Member 

  4. There are options to only show mobile orders or overdue tickets.

Ticket Details - The ticket will contain all items that that are set up to be sent to that Station.  

Actions that Can Be Taken

  1. Click on the item to progress onward.  Clicking on the items lets the Expo Station know that the item has been prepared and is ready for the Expo Station.  

Bump Bar

  1. Color Changes - The ticket number on the bump bar will match the color of the status of the ticket.  

  2. Actions that can be Taken - You can click on the ticket number and hold in the mouse to get the following options

    1. Print Ticket.

    2. Jump to Ticket.

    3. Move ticket (bump position).

    4. Mark as Done.

    5. Merge Tickets - This will merge multiple tickets for a table into one ticket.

All Day Summary

All Day Summary will provide the user with the entire day’s summary of items and orders for this station


Gives control over the station’s options.  

  1. Item Text Size

  2. Ticket Layout - Controls the way your ticket will look in the station landing page

  3. Audible Alert - Order coming in will make a sound alerting kitchen staff.

  4. Read Only - Sets the Station to only view the tickets and items, cannot prepare, sell or serve tickets in this status.

  5. Reset Station Defaults

Station History  

Shows the History of the day’s orders for this station.  You can set by:

  1. Last Hour

  2. Last 3 Hours

  3. Last 6 Hours

  4. Last 12 Hours 

  5. Today

  6. Yesterday

You can also re-open tickets to place them back into this station. You have the option to place at beginning or end of the ump bar once re-opened.

Best Practices

  • You cannot re-open a ticket more than 7 hours old in KDS