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Website - Getting Started 


Communicating with your entire membership at once is sometimes the best method, especially when sending out important communication that is relevant to all members. When communication only applies to a group of members, it is best to use target marketing in emails to effectively deliver the message. In order to use target marketing, Dynamic and Static Groups should be employed. Dynamic Groups automatically add members based on defined rules from the Directory and accounting system. Static Groups are created by manually adding members, or allowing for opt-in/opt-out groups. Dynamic Groups are also used for the member sync from Office to the Website, and this group may need to be reviewed to ensure the proper member types are flowing from Office to the Website.

Use Case(s)

Dynamic and Static Groups are best used when using target marketing to send detailed communication to member groups. Dynamic Groups are set by defined rules that pull from the Directory or accounting system. Dynamic Groups may be groups such as: birthdays this month, balance overdue, or membership type. Static Groups are created by manually adding members to groups, but these groups may also be opt-in/opt-out, so that members may choose to be included in the group. Static Groups may include: Bridge Club, Board of Directors, or to receive a monthly Social Newsletter. Dynamic Groups are used to sync member types from Office to the Website.


This video contains highlights from a training Webinar given on Dynamic and Static Groups.

Note: Sections of the video have been referenced below with corresponding times in the video for ease of access

Total Video (Length)11:24

Types of Groups1:12
Creating Dynamic Groups4:56
Accessing Groups2:26
Adding Rules to Dynamic Groups5:30
Creating Static Groups2:58
Exporting a Dynamic Group6:18
Adding Members to Static Groups3:23
How Members Join Opt-in Groups9:45
Dynamic Groups Overview4:08




Group Definitions 

Static Group: groups that include specific members that were placed there manually. These can be inclusion or exclusion groups.

Static Opt-In Groups: special static group that allows members to opt-in to the group. Members can opt-in/opt-out by accessing their Profile page in the Member Directory.

Dynamic Groups: groups that automatically include members based on rules you define from the Directory or accounting system. 

Note: in order for any of these groups to work properly, all information in the Member Directory must be up-to-date. 

To access Static & Dynamic Groups follow the steps below depending on your access role.

Admins: Hover over Admin bar in the left hand corner of the screen, select Dynamic Groups or Groups. Note: these are linked in the same interface, so you can toggle between the two once you either click Dynamic Groups or Groups.

Editors: Hover over Admin in the main navigation, select Main Tools, and then Inbox/Groups. 

The following Groups Interface screen will launch depending on which path you choose, either Dynamic or Static.

From Dynamic Groups:

From Static Groups:

Since both groups are in the same interface, use the tabs to toggle between either Static or Dynamic Groups:


Existing Dynamic Groups Created in the Web


  • Office Member Type Sync to Website in which member types have changed

Dynamic Groups can be affected by the member sync from Office to the Website after a club has been unified. This group will need to be reviewed to ensure the proper member types are being selected in the dynamic group filter.

To do this, access Dynamic Groups.

Open the Group Explorer.

Drag the Member Type Group to the center of the Dynamic Groups screen.

Review the member types listed. Any change in the member types, even if the old type was in UPPER CASE and the new type has the same name, but appears in mixed case; it must still be updated. Ie. GOLF vs. Golf

Static Groups

Static Groups Interface

Inclusion Groups: lists all groups that are Inclusion Groups, meaning any member in this group will receive communication sent to this group.

Exclusions Groups: lists all groups that are Exclusion Groups, meaning any member in this group will NOT receive communication sent to this group. By default, anyone NOT listed in this group will receive communication. This is rarely used, and is usually on used if a select few people wish to NOT receive communication sent to ALL MEMBERS.

 Adding Static Groups

Click the Add Group link.


 The Add Group Interface will show as follows:


 Add a Group Name, which should be detailed based on the type of group.


 Add a Description if desired, which would be a few sentences explaining the group.


 Choose a Group Type, Inclusion or Exclusion.


 Check the Opt-In Group box if members are allowed to Opt-in/Opt-out of the group.


 Show Member Listing will allow members to see who belongs to the group.


 Allow Invitation by Members gives members the authority to invite other members to the group via email.


 Only Allow Actions If in Group gives the above permission only if the member is in the group.

Choose a Group Category if categories are created to organize type of groups.

Click Create Group to continue.

Click ‘Click here to Continue’ to add members to the group.

You may now begin adding members to the group using the Add Members Interface.


 Click Add Members to Group to pull up the Directory Listing.

This will bring up the Select Members Interface.

Scroll through the member name display and click on the member’s name in the Available Members column to move the member to the Selected Members box.

By default, only members with a last name starting with A will appear. Use the ABC… box to choose a different letter to continue to add members.

You may also use the Search Box to search for members by last name, member number, or email.

Once all members are added, click Save Group Members to add the members to the group.

You may also create a Staff Only Group by following the same above steps, but add Staff by clicking on the Add Staff to Group button.

To Remove Users, click on the box next to the user’s name and then click the Remove Selected Users Box.

 Members Joining Opt-In Groups

Members can join Opt-In Groups in several ways.

Opt-In Groups will show on member’s profiles, so they can easily join and leave groups.

You may also add an Opt-In Group Plugin to a designated page(s) to market groups. Clubessential can assist with adding this plugin to a page as needed.

Newsletters are another great way to advertise Opt-In Groups, and offer a way for members to opt-in/opt-out of various groups. At the bottom of every Blast Email will be an Unsubscribe Link.

The Unsubscribe Link will take the user to a list of all Opt-In groups, whereupon they may update what groups they are in.

 Emailing Static Groups

Emails can be sent to Static Groups in two ways, either from the Groups tab or by using the Compose Email interface.

To send from the Groups tab, click on the group name in the Groups tab.

Next, click on the Send Group Email link.


This will bring you to the Compose Email Interface where you may compose your email.

To send from the Compose Email, go to the Compose Email Interface.

Click Add Static Groups link.

This will bring up the Select Groups Interface.

Scroll to find the desired Static Group and click the Static Group name to move to the selected groups box.

Click Update Groups, to then begin composing the email.

Dynamic Groups

Dynamic Groups Interface

The Dynamic Group Toolbar allows for several options:

 Add New Group


Save and Close

Close Out

Export Group: this will allow us to export group information in a new window, or export to CSV.

Send Email to Group: this will take us to the Compose Email Interface to email a specific Dynamic Group.

Make Group Static: mostly used by Clubessential to create special groups for page permissions.

Group Explorer: is where all of the groups are housed.

Available Fields: is where options for creating group rules are located.

Adding Dynamic Groups

To add a new Dynamic Group, click the Add Group Button (Green Plus Sign).


 Add a Name for your Group. Note: this should be detailed to what type of members are in this group (ex: Male Golf Members).

Next, click Save and Close.

Click the Group Explorer tab.

Scroll to find the group, and then drag the group to the center of the Dynamic Group Interface.

 Next, open the Available Fields tab by clicking on it, which will list all applicable areas from the Directory and accounting system.


 Choose the appropriate rules needed by dragging them to the center of the interface. Once all rules are added your screen should display the rules in the center of the Dynamic Group Interface.


 Once all rules have been added, click the Save button and then Export Group to verify the right members were added.

This will take you to the Export Group Interface.

Click Available Fields, to choose which fields to export. (Ex: first name, last name, member number, membership type). Then choose Run or Export.

  • Run will allow you to review the results in the browser.
  • Export to CSV will create a CSV export. This is especially useful for off-site data entry or tracking. 

Emailing Dynamic Groups

Emails can be sent to Dynamic Groups in two ways, either from the Dynamic Groups tab or by using the Compose Email interface.

To send from the Dynamic Groups tab, click on the group name in the Dynamic Groups tab and drag to the center of the screen.

Next, click on the Send Email to Group button.

This will bring you to the Compose Email Interface where you may compose your email.

To send from the Compose Email, go to the Compose Email Interface.

Click Add Dynamic Groups link.

Scroll to find the desired Dynamic Group and click  the Dynamic Group name in the Available Dynamic Groups column to move Group to the Selected Dynamic Groups box.

Click Update Groups, to then begin composing the email.




Q: I created a Dynamic Group and have sent an email to the Dynamic Group, but no one received it. Why?

A: Double check the Dynamic Group rules to make sure they are set up properly. To do so, export the Dynamic Group to make sure members are in it. If members are in it, see if those members received the email. If they did not, make sure the members have their Received Email option enabled in their Profile.

Q: What’s the best way to get people to opt-in to a Static Group?

A: Members have the ability to opt-in to static groups via their profile, or the unsubscribe link in blast emails. A simple email reminder of how to do this in their profile or via the unsubscribe link should encourage members to sign-up. Create specific Static Groups that are relevant to your membership and the types of communication they wish to receive. Use that group to communicate to members see the benefit in belonging to the group.

Q: I have one member that does not want to receive blast emails sent to all membership, but we need to keep his “receive emails” enabled since he belongs to various static groups and dynamic groups that he wishes to receive communication from. How do we remove him from the All Members static group?

A: The easiest way to do this, is to create an Opt-Out group. Add that only that specific member to the Opt-Out group. Use this new Opt-Out group to email All Members instead, as this group will contain all member except for the one member in the Opt-Out Group.


Best Practices


  1. By using Dynamic and Static Groups, effective target marketing via the Blast Email System can be achieved. The more groups available, the easier it will be to ensure that the right people receive the right message. This should also increase email open rates as users are not bombarded with messages that are not relevant to their interests.

  2. Special Dynamic Groups may need to be set up to create certain recurring emails. For instance, if you’re looking to create a group that pulls members between the ages of 35-45 years of age, this is a Special Dynamic Group that must be set up by Clubessential.

  3. Want to send out various Newsletters to your membership? Create a Static Group that is an Opt-In Group so members have the choice of receiving the communication. Don’t forget to Cross Market on your Newsletter as members may have varying interests.

  4. Trying to target members who bought a particular beverage or food item? This can easily be done using Dynamic Groups since rules are based upon information from the Accounting System and the Directory. By creating a group of members who purchase a particular beverage or food item, you can then target that group again for specials or certain events based on their purchasing choice.

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Next Lesson: Articles

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