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Website - Getting Started


Clone This Event - Create a Recurring Event

Please Note: Cloning an event will create a series of single-day recurring events on the days selected from the calendar. When an event is Cloned, Members can then register for each event that fits their schedule individually, instead of being automatically signed up for every occurrence of the event.

The Clone This Event to Create a Linked Group of Events allows you to set up recurring events. From here, you may add additional event days. All event information will be carried over to each new event day. These are still Single Day Events where attendees must sign up for each event individually.


Additional parameters may be specified in the Event Options section.

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      • Enable Wait List: if the event if full, this will allow members to be added to a wait list.The wait list must be manually managed via the Event Manager. Managing the wait list will be covered in detail in the Event Manager section

      • Enable Wait List Automation: This option will appear once Enable Wait List has been checked. This will allow the waitlist to auto fill registration spots as they open up. It will choose members on a first come, first serve basis. Meaning that within the Wait List, whomever registered first will be the first to fill the active openings. It will not automatically move members if there are not enough spots for the next-in-line party. Example: The next-in-line party in the Wait List is a party of 4 and 2 spots open up. The two spots will NOT be filled until two more spots were to open up. During this time, club administrators may still update the Wait List manually.
      • Show Registered Member List to Members: allows members to see other members who are attending.

      • Allow Proxy: member make reservations for other people, but the original member making the registration does not necessarily need to attend.

      • Default to Proxy: every reservation made will be by proxy if this is enabled. Most frequently used for children’s camps where the guardian is enrolling a child.

      • Allow Spouse, Children, Guest: allows an attendee to register for others that may include a spouse, child, or guest.

      • Allow TBA: a member may hold a reservation without the club knowing who the other attendee is. 


Next, click the Click here to Perform Actions link > Make Selected Reservations Active. This will then allow the member to be on the active registration list. Note: you will need to email the wait listed attendee to notify that they are now on active reservation.




Q: I need to create a recurring event, but the event I have created lists all days on the single event.

A: You have probably created a Multi-Day Event by which attendees must attend to ALL event days / times. Instead, create a Single Day Event and add information for the first event. Once you save to continue, the Clone Linked Events option will appear where you may add additional days for the event to occur on.

Best Practices

  1. Using online registration and the Event Manager is an easy way to keep all reservation information in one place. There is no need for offline management when using the system in place on the website. It is also easy to communicate with attendees by using the blast email system on the website.

  2. If an event is a recurring event, remember to use the Single Day Event but make this a Cloned Linked Group of Events. If the event is added as a Multi-Day Event, then the attendee must go to ALL events.

  3. Please Note: Cloning an event will create a series of single-day recurring events on the days selected from the calendar. When an event is Cloned, Members can then register for each event that fits their schedule individually, instead of being automatically signed up for every occurrence of the event.

  4. Customizing notifications on events is a great place to add cross-marketing. This also allows for notifications to be customizable using Snippets or to add additional information that attendees may need to know.
