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Axis - Getting Started

Table of Contents


The Calendar and the Event Manager provide the ability to announce upcoming events throughout the website, take online registration, and manage registration all from your Clubessential website. The Calendar is a repository for all events and activities, while the Event Manager is an Administrative tool that works in conjunction with the Calendar.

Use Case(s)

The Calendar and Event Manager are great ways to advertise and manage events at the club. The Calendar can be added as a full view calendar as its own page, or even as a condensed version in the form of a Calendar Plug-in. It is most effective to have an overall Club Calendar that houses all events, while you break out smaller Calendars for each section applicable on the website (example: Golf Calendar, Fitness Calendar, Social Calendar). In addition to the full calendars, many clubs find it useful to add a Calendar Plug-in on the member home page, or other pages, to promote events happening within the next few days. Since the Calendar takes online registration, it is essential to use the Event Manager alongside the calendar to manage registrations when applicable.


This video provides an overview of how to use the Axis - Calendar & Event Manager.


Total Video (Length)17:13   
Importance of the Calendar1:18 Adding Custom Questions9:16
Calendar Views1:43 Customizing Notifications11:48
Types of Events2:58 Event Manager Overview12:59
Creating a Single Day Event3:35 Accessing the Event Manager13:38
Adding an Event Flyer7:09 Managing the Event Manager13:54
Registration Set-Up7:45 Managing the Wait List15:17
Adding a Custom Confirmation Page8:41   




Table of Contents
excludeAxis - Editor


Calendar Views

The calendar offers several views for Members.  Understanding how the views look, as well as how and where the views are populated is critical to determining how the Calendar can best serve your Club.  This section provide an overview of the various available Calendar views that may be implemented on your Website.


Most typically, this type of Calendar view is located on the member home page via the Calendar Plug-in. This view may also be used on any content page throughout the website. It will show the next X number of events over X number of days. Setting up the parameters and design of this view is managed by Clubessential based on information you provide. Events will dynamically populate this view based on the associated Filter. All events visible in the quick view need to be added via the Calendar - Full View.

 Full View

This is the full view of the Calendar, and can be set to show day, week, month, year, or list view. It is most common to show this as month view; however, members may change their view manually on the site if desired.  This view houses the Event Creation tools which will be discussed in the next section.

 Event View

This is the detailed view of each event, and is the view Members will see once they click on the Event from the Full View, or from the Quickview.  Here, dates and detailed times of the event are listed, along with a Register button if the event is one a member can register for.  Additional info, such as text and imagery can be added; or use of an Event Flyer may also be added.


Event Types

There are three types of events, which can be added using two buttons on the Calendar.


Recurring Event: single day event that recurs, such as a Wednesday night dinner special; or even a recurring monthly event like Movie Night. The attendee is required to sign up for each event individually, but the same parameters for the event recur.

Adding an Event

Accessing the Toolset

Navigate to the Full View of the calendar, which is usually located in the main navigation.


This will launch the Add Event Interface to begin adding criteria for the event.

Step 1 - Event Details - Basic

To set up an Event, begin by completing the basic event details contained on this screen.


Next, click Save and Continue to continue setting up the event.

Step 2 - Additional Event Options/Registration

Once Save and Continue is selected, the following changes are noticeable:


In this section, we will cover these additional details.

Additional Event Options

Edit Event Flyer - Add a Flyer to Your Event

An Event Flyer is a great marketing opportunity for events. The Event Flyer is managed via the Axis Editor, which allows for flexibility and ease of use. Here you may add text and imagery to enhance your marketing efforts for the event while offering detailed information on the event.

To add an Event Flyer to your Event, click Edit Event Flyer.

The Axis Editor interface will launch.


Below is how the Event Flyer will appear in the Event Details for your membership.

Add New Time - Create Multiple Seatings

For events that have multiple seatings or start times (such as an Easter Brunch that takes place from 11am-2pm, but attendees must choose to show up at separate event times: 11am, Noon, and 1pm for instance), use the Add New Time option to add additional event times to the event.


This will then launch the calendar picker. Click dates to add to the date interface. Once all dates are added, click Save Event Dates.

Registration Tab

The Calendar allows for online registration for attendees. This works seamlessly alongside the Event Manager, so that all event management can be done on your Clubessential website. Online Registration is convenient and easy for members who can register at any time of day without assistance from the Club.


Once the Allow Online Registration option has been checked, the Registration Setup, Email Notification, Custom Questions - Optional, and Event Options sections appear for editing.

Registration Setup

The Registration Position changes where the Registration Button will be placed in the event details. The button may be placed above the event flyer, below the event flyer, or both above and below the event flyer. Use the drop down to choose between Above Flyer, Below Flyer, or Both.


First, click edit. Add the desired verbiage, and click save in the editor to update.

Email Notification

The Email Notification Field must be populated to save and continue. This email will receive notifications when attendees register, change registration, or cancel their registration.

Custom Questions

The Custom Questions - Optional section allows for up to 5 custom questions that may be used for specific needs for event.  Examples include special seating arrangements, dietary restrictions, etc.  Questions may be designated as required by clicking the Question # Required field, or can be optionally answered by leaving these fields blank.

Event Options

Additional parameters may be specified in the Event Options section.


      • Enable Wait List: if the event if full, this will allow members to be added to a wait list.

      • The wait list must be manually managed via the Event Manager. Managing the wait list will be covered in detail in the Event Manager section.

      • Show Registered Member List to Members: allows members to see other members who are attending.

      • Allow Proxy: member make reservations for other people, but the original member making the registration does not necessarily need to attend.

      • Default to Proxy: every reservation made will be by proxy if this is enabled. Most frequently used for children’s camps where the guardian is enrolling a child.

      • Allow Spouse, Children, Guest: allows an attendee to register for others that may include a spouse, child, or guest.

      • Allow TBA: a member may hold a reservation without the club knowing who the other attendee is. 

Save Registration

Once complete, click Save Registration Settings to finalize the registration tab.

Step 3 - Final Event Details - Billing and Notification Tabs

Once Save Registration Settings is selected, two new additional tabs appear.

      1. Billing Tab: Used by Clients also using Clubessential’s Office Product.  (Will not be covered in this document - for more information, please refer to Unification - Events found within the Clubessential Knowledge Base.)

      2. Notification Tab: Used to create notifications for Events.

Notification Tab - Creating Notifications for Events

Notifications (in the form of email) may be added for attendees and administrators of the event, so that when certain actions relative to the event occur (registration is received, registration is updated, registration is cancelled, etc), an email notification is sent.


Open the click to edit to access the Axis Editor.


Each Notification will open the Axis Editor where the message may be customized using snippets and text. Save in the editor once complete.


Last, click Create Notification (the first time) or Update Notification subsequent times) to save in the Notifications tab. 

Step 4 - Save and Close Event

Once all information has been populated for the event, navigate to the Event Detail tab, and click Save and Close.

Event Manager

The Event Manager allows for management of events that members can register for.  Here, you may email event attendees, manage registrations and the wait list. Information on attendees may also be exported for further management offline. The Event Manager allows for one point of entry for all registrations, so there is no need to keep a separate book for registration details.


This will launch the Event Manager interface.  The Event Manager provides a list of all upcoming events.

Event Details

Event details allows action on each event and communication with registrants.


    • Add Registration: register Member(s) for an Event

    • Export Reservation Listing: export the listing to a CSV file which shows: registrants, attendees, and notes by registrant. One row for each registration received, listed by registration owner.

    • Export Attendee Listing: export the listing to a CSV file which shows: each attendee on a row. You may add which fields show on this export.

    • Export Guests: export the listing of Guests to a CSV file.

    • Add Attendees to Group: manually add attendees to the event.

    • View in Custom Report: launches the export interface, but allows you to choose fields to export.

    • View: may choose which information is shown in the Event Manager for: active, cancelled and Wait List.

    • Show More Info: displays notes entered by the member or the admin.

    • Click Here to Perform Actions: allows the admin to change the reservation. This is used to move registrants from the wait list to active, or to cancel a reservation.

    • Search by Name, Email, or Mem#: search for existing reservations by Name, Email, or Member number.

Add Registration: Help Member(s) Register for an Event

In the event a Member calls in or stops by, and would like help registering for an Event, utilize the Event Manager to help get them registered for the event.


Registration will then appear in the Event details.

Managing the Wait List

The Wait List can easily be managed within the Event Manager. Once attendees cancel their reservation and spaces are available, click the event title to view the Event Details. From here, we can manage moving those on the Wait List to an active registration.


Next, click the Click here to Perform Actions link > Make Selected Reservations Active. This will then allow the member to be on the active registration list. Note: you will need to email the wait listed attendee to notify that they are now on active reservation.





Q: I need to create a recurring event, but the event I have created lists all days on the single event.

A: You have probably created a Multi-Day Event by which attendees must attend to ALL event days / times. Instead, create a Single Day Event and add information for the first event. Once you save to continue, the Clone Linked Events option will appear where you may add additional days for the event to occur on.

Best Practices


  1. Using online registration and the Event Manager is an easy way to keep all reservation information in one place. There is no need for offline management when using the system in place on the website. It is also easy to communicate with attendees by using the blast email system on the website.

  2. If an event is a recurring event, remember to use the Single Day Event but make this a Cloned Linked Group of Events. If the event is added as a Multi-Day Event, then the attendee must go to ALL events.

  3. Customizing notifications on events is a great place to add cross marketing. This also allows for notifications to be customizable using Snippets or to add additional information that attendees may need to know.


Downloadable Guide

Axis - Calendar and Event Manager

Next Lesson: Groups