New Member Emails - General Manager

New Member Emails - General Manager

Dear ##LNAME## Family,


Welcome to ##SITENAME##!  On behalf of the staff, we are so excited to have you as a new Member.


Over the next few weeks, you will be receiving emails from the Club’s department heads welcoming you to the Club.  The department heads will inform you about their department and how they can be of assistance to you.


If you have not already scheduled your new Member orientation, I would encourage you to do so.  To set up an appointment time, please reach out to our Membership Director, MEMBERSHIP DIRCTOR NAME, at PHONE or EMAIL.  I believe you will find the new Member enrollment session to be fun and informative. 


On behalf of the staff, we appreciate the opportunity to serve you and hope you will utilize your Club Membership to the fullest.  Should you ever have any questions regarding any aspect of the Club, please do not hesitate to contact me directly.


I look forward to seeing you at the Club.





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