Website (2.18.19) Release

 Website - Release Notes



  • Enhanced export capabilities by allowing CE Admins to mass export files and documents that have been uploaded to CRM for users.

Use Case: Previously, Users did not have the capability to export more than one file or document at a time. Now, CE Admins can perform a mass export on demand for Users, exporting multiple documents and files at once.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with CRM Queries/Reports when Phone Numbers were exported to Excel, they were appearing with HTML tags.

  • Fixed an issue with CRM Add a New Record - Certain Child Buttons were previously missing on Mobile view.

  • Fixed an issue with Event Notifications not saving or updating the content or appearing in the preview window.

  • Fixed an issue with the My Reservations plugin on the Website, when Users click specific hyperlinks to their reservations, they will now correctly be taken to their reservation.

  • Fixed an issue with Branded Apps, where the Club logo was not perfectly horizontally centered.

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