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Albums, Slideshows, and Images

 How do I change images in the member home page slideshow?

Images can be changed (added/deleted) in a slideshow by managing the folder associated with the slideshow in the Image Manager. Most typically, your member home page slideshow will be linked to an album in the Image Manager (Explorer) called Home Page Slideshow or Member Home Page Slideshow. To find out what folder is tied to the slideshow, click to edit Plugin (slideshow) properties button. Next, click Edit Categories for this Gallery. This will list all folders in the Image Explorer. Whichever folder is checked is one that you will need to go to in the Image Manager to add/remove images. Once you know the folder, go to the Image Manager and click in that folder. From here, you can delete images or add new images.

 How do I add a drop down to a slideshow to feature several collections?

Add a drop down to your slideshow to feature several folders by opening the slideshow (edit plugin) properties icon. Next, click Edit Categories for this Gallery. From here, check mark as many folders as needed from the Image Manager list. Click Save and close out.

 How do I change images in a photo album?

All images that are in a photo album are managed within the Image Explorer. To find out what folder is tied to the slideshow, click the slideshow (edit plugin) properties button. Next, click Edit Categories for this Gallery. This will list all folders in the Image Explorer. Whichever folder is checked is one that you will need to go to in the Image Manager (Explorer) to add/remove images. Once you know the folder, go to the Image Manager and click in that folder. From here, you can delete images or add new images.

 Can I reorder the images?

You can reorder images by opening up the slideshow (edit plugin) properties icon. At the bottom of the pop up window will be a button ‘Reorder Images’. Click this to pull up all images in the album. Beneath each image is a text box where you can add a number to determine the order in which images show. Enter 1 to show image first, 2 to show image second, 3 to show image third, etc.  Save order and close out when finished.

 I deleted an image in the slideshow but it still shows up.

It can take the system a few minutes to update, so if you've deleted an image and it is still appearing in a slideshow or album, you may need to wait a few minutes for the change to take place. You can also speed up this process by clearing Cache, or hitting CONTROL + F5. 


 Why is this member on the blacklist and how do I remove them?

Email addresses can end up on the Bounce Blacklist for many reasons. What you will need to know are these troubleshooting steps in order to remove the email address from the Bounce Blacklist so the member can start receiving emails again.

  1. First, go to mail reporting by hovering over admin and clicking mail reporting under communication.

  2. Click on the Bounce Blacklist tab.

  3. Found your member?

  4. Click Remove next to the member name - but note, the user could end up on this list again if you do not follow the next steps.

  5. Figure out what email you use to send the blast emails (this could be an individual’s email or a generic email like communications@yourclubname.com). Send this email to the user and ask them to add this email to the safe sender list for their email host. We’ve attached directions for various email providers so you can send a step by step guide to do this. You will need to send the following IP Addresses to the member so their email host or IT Company can whitelist our IPs. The IPs are as follows:

 Member is not receiving blast emails, why?

There can be many reasons why a member is not receiving blast emails, so here are the areas to check to figure out exactly why and how to troubleshoot.

Access Mail Reporting by hovering over Admin > Mail Reporting under Communications.

First, check the Unsubscribe tab. If the member appears here, then they unsubscribed from emails. You can remove them by clicking remove if needed. For full instructions click here.
Check the Bounce Blacklist tab. If they appear here, you will need to do a few steps after you remove them. For full instructions follow these steps here.

Check the Email Complaints list. If the member is here, they marked your emails as Spam. Click Remove to remove them if they need to be removed. For full instructions click here.

Check the sent emails tab. Using the calendar picker, find the date in which the email was sent and click refresh. Click on the email’s subject and then click on External Recipients. Using the search field you can search for the member if needed. Next to their name you will see if it was sent and if it was opened. If it was not read, ask the member to check their Spam folder and add the email address the blast email was sent from to their safe sender list.

None of these options working for you? Verify that the email address that is in the member profile is correct, or Contact Clubessential for more troubleshooting help.

Watch the Video:

 What is the Email Complaint list and how do I remove someone?

Is a member not receiving emails but they should? Try these troubleshooting steps to get them back on your email chain:

First, go to mail reporting by hovering over admin and clicking mail reporting under communication.
Check the email complaints tab. If the user is here - then they told our system they no longer want to receive emails. If the user is not here they may also be under the Unsubscribe list. The following steps will work for either scenario. If the member isn’t in the complaints tab OR the unsubscribe tab - try our Bounce Blacklist Video for troubleshooting steps.
Verify with the member they want to receive emails - and verify which communications they want to receive if you have multiple blast email groups - like Club Newsletter, Tennis News, Golf Updates.
Remove them from the Email Complaints tab - note that if they are on this list, they asked to not receive ANY emails so we must remove them here first.
Go to their member profile in the directory and verify the “receive emails box” is checked. If not, check mark this.
If they want to be removed from certain groups - like Tennis News, be sure to remove them from this group so they only receive emails they want to get - which will hopefully keep them off the Email Complaints List.

 How do I remove someone from the Unsubscribe list?

Access Mail Reporting under the Admin bar in the left hand corner of the screen. Click on the Unsubscribe tab - this will list members that have unsubscribed from receiving email. You can remove them from this list by clicking “view” to open their profile. Here you can check the box next to their email address that says “receive emails.”.


 This member has AOL and they’re not getting emails, why?

Mail hosts like AOL have extremely HIGH protection barriers and are very suspicious of any blast emails. It’s a simple protection method from Spam, but it certainly doesn’t help when you’re trying to send your entire membership a Newsletter! So, here is what you can do to prevent this from happening:

Step 1: In Mail Reporting, go to the Email Complaint Tab. Your member’s email is most likely here. Remove them by locating the member on the list, clicking “remove” next to their name, and confirming that you want to delete them in the pop-up window.

Step 2: Figure out which email is attached to the blast emails you normally send (you can do this by going to the staff account that sends the emails. Sometimes this is tied to an individual or a general account like communications@yourclubname.com.

Step 3: Send the member this email address to add to their safe sender list. We’ve attached directions for various email providers so you can send a step by step guide to do this.

Click Here for AOL | Click Here for Gmail | Click Here for Outlook

Still having issues? Contact Support at Clubessential and let them know you have members that need to whitelist our IPs. Our team will send you IP addresses - that look like this:

Send that to your member to send to their email host or IT company.

If that does not do the trick, you may need to remove the member’s account from the blast email group - and either send the email to this individual separately or create a smaller group to send to.

 I need to find information on an email that was sent that is not a blast email, where is it?

If you sent a single email to users that you chose, rather than using a Dynamic or Static Group, you should find your email report in Mail Reporting under the Single Email Report. Access Mail Reporting by hovering over Admin in the left hand corner of the screen and under Communications you will find Mail Reporting. Click the Single Email Report to view all single emails sent. You may use the date picker and/or the search boxes to search for the Subject, to whom it was sent, or from whom it was sent. Click on the Subject to view a detailed report for open rates, link clicks, and bounces.

If the email does not show up in the Single Emails, check the Sent Emails tab just in case. If it is not located in either, then you de-selected tracking on the email. Be sure to leave “track this message” checked when creating emails. This is a default setting so it’s always enabled - the only way it does not track is if you manually disable it.

 How do I see if someone opened my blast email?

You can find out if a message was sent and if it was read by using Mail Reporting.

Hover over Admin > and click on mail reporting to access statistics about emails. Under the first tab you’ll find detailed reports on if the message was sent, when it was opened, if it bounced, and if anyone clicked links in the message.

Use the date picker to find when the message was sent. Click on the Subject Title and then click on External Recipients. We can now see if the message was sent and the read time.

So if you see a member on this list and the message was sent but not read have check their inbox again and confirm the email it was sent to. If the person says they do not see the email, have them check their spam folder for the email - they may need to add the email address you send blast emails with to their Safe Sender list.

 Can I send an email on a future date?

Yes! You can send an email on a future date, or schedule recurring emails on a future date within the Blast Email System. Create the email as usual and then once you get to the send screen, click on Schedule for Later. From here, you can pick a future date for this to send to with the date picker and even a specific future time by using the time picker. You may also set up a recurring email by clicking on the recurring email option and choosing the frequency and the day that the email should send. 


 How is the Wait List managed?

The Wait list is managed manually using the Event Manager. Any member placed on a waitlist must be manually moved to an active registration. To manage the wait list, hover over Admin in the left hand corner of the screen and click on Event Manager under Events.  Click on the event title. Once inside the event details, click on the dropdown next to View and select Wait List.  (Note, if Waitlist does not appear, it has not been activated for this event.  To activate, go into Edit Event, click on Registration tab, and check the Enable Wait List option under the Event Options section.)  Checkmark the reservation you wish to make active and then click on the “Click here to Perform Action(s)” link. Next, click the Make Selected Reservations Active. The reservation will now be made active, but you will need to contact the party to let them know they are now in an active reservation. 

 Can I change a reservation size for a member?

Absolutely! The best way to do this is using the Event Manager. Hover over Admin in the left hand corner of the screen and click on Event Manager under Events. Click on the event in the event list, or use the search fields to find the member which will pull events that member is registered for and click the event title. Next, click on the member who needs their reservation size changed. In the edit registration window, you can delete reservations by clicking X next to registrants. You can add additional member registrants by adjusting the Party Size, and clicking on members in the Member list to populate. Add Guests or TBA by clicking the Party Size dropdown and increasing the party size. Click Save reservation to update the reservation size.

 I set up an event, but the event registration is closed - how do I fix this?

When you add an event, whether it be a single day event or a recurring event, you must choose a registration start date. With single day events, this is pretty easy to gauge. In the event, under the Registration tab populate the Reservations Begins and End fields (in how many day(s) and hour(s) members can register for an event). The Reservations Begins field will then open registrations X number of days and hours prior to when the event takes place, and will cut off reservation at the time specified in the Reservations End fields.

If you have a recurring event it can be a bit more tricky. All recurring events will have the same number of days and hours prior to their individual start date as to when a member can register. So, if you create a recurring event for the first Monday of every month but you want members to be able to sign up a week before the first event but a month before the second event - you will not be able to have two varying settings. All recurring events will have the same registration start date (and end date) - so if the event you created is not open but needs to be, you will need to increase the days prior to the event that Reservations can Begin.

 Can I create Event Reports?

You can create Event Reports using the Event Manager. Click on the event you would like to create a report for and from here you can export the reservation listing, attendee listing, or the guest listing. This will export fields to a CSV file where you can customize the data for the event as needed.

 How do I set up an event that occurs every Monday (recurring event)?

If you have an event that occurs routinely, like a Monday night Yoga class, you will want to set up a recurring event. A recurring event is set up using the single day event since each event is a stand alone event - it just occurs repeatedly on the same day(s)/time(s). Click Add Single Day Event and set up your event information (time, day, title, summary, category, etc). Click Save & Continue for more options. After you save, a new option above the calendar picker will appear: Clone this event to create a linked group of events. Click this link and then click on what dates  the event needs to recur on, for instance, every Monday. Once you have added all event dates, click on Save Event Dates. Complete event set-up once all event dates are added by adding registration and notifications if needed. 

 Can I add multiple sign up times for an event - ex: dining times?

Definitely! If your event requires multiple reservation times, like various dining seating times, that can be done within the calendar. Set-up the event details as normal except the start and end time. Set the start time for the first reservation seating and set the end time for how long each seating increment should continue. For instance, if you want reservation seatings to be every hour then set the event to last for one hour. Click save and continue. New options will appear at the bottom of the event detail screen. To add another seating time, click Add New Time. Using the time picker choose the next seating time. Continue with this process until all time are added. Here is a scenario to follow:

New Year’s Dinner - Starts at 6PM | Ends at 11PM | Seatings Every Hour

Initial event detail start time is 6PM and the end time is 7PM

Add New Time: 7PM
Add New Time: 8PM
Add New Time: 9PM
Add New Time: 10PM

Note: we did not schedule a seating time for 11PM since the event must end at 11PM.

Continue to set up the event per usual. It is also important to note that the reservation size is for each seating, so if you choose 100 reservations that is for each seating not the event overall. So, be sure to set the reservation size that pertains to each seating slot.

 Can I make an event private so only Staff can see it?

You can make an event private so only Staff can see the event by making the event a Hidden Registration. Using the Event Status drop down on the Event Detail tab, change the status to ‘Hidden’. Admins and Editors can still see the event and you can register members to this even on their behalf using the Event Manager.  

 I am trying to delete an event with reservations but it won’t let me - how do I delete it?

You are unable to delete an event with active reservations. First, you will want to notify all registrants of the cancellation by using the Event Manager to email all registrants and anyone on a wait list if applicable. Then, remove all registrants from the event in the Event Manager. Once all registrants are removed, you may delete the event from the Calendar. 

 Can I email registrants? Can I email those who are waitlisted?

You can email registrants and those that are on the waitlist by using the Event Manager. Hover over admin and click on Event Manager under Events. Next, click on the event title. To email registrants, click the Email Registrants link. This will email active and waitlisted reservations. In order to email those that are waitlisted only, you would need to email those registrants manually.

 How do I personalize event notification emails?

Event notification emails use the same Editor as the rest of the website, so you can personalize event notification emails using Snippets. Click on the Event in the Calendar and then click Edit Event. Click on the Notifications tab. Click on the Type of the notification you would like to personalize. Next, click on the Click to Edit near the bottom of the preview email section. This will launch the Editor. To personalize, click Insert > Snippet to find various Snippets to personalize the notification.

 How do I add a flyer to an event?

When adding or editing an event in the Calendar, you can add a flyer to the event in the Event Detail tab. Near the bottom of the window, click on Edit Event Flyer. This will launch the Editor where you can insert an image, text, hyperlinks, etc. Since it’s the same Editor used throughout the website, this is extremely flexible for adding the type of content that suits your needs. Many clubs like to create a PDF flyer and then export it as a JPG image and insert it into the flyer to share special event details.

Website Editor (Content Management System)

 I added new content to a page but it doesn’t look like my other content, why?

If you copied content from another source, it isn’t going to look the rest of the content on the page. When you copy from an outside source, that content will carry over styling that does not match the styling for your website. When copying from another website or even a Word Doc, be sure to use the Paste as Plain Text feature before pasting into the editor. Once you paste into the editor using Paste as Plain Text, the content will then have the proper styling and you can apply various heading stylings to the content with an issue. To correct this, you may need to go into the HTML tab to remove any span tags OR try removing the content you added, save and close out. Try pasting the content in again but use the Paste as Plain Text function first.  One disclaimer: In the event your website has a CSS page that is controlling styling, you will not be able to overwrite this with the editor.  CSS styling pages trump edits made in an Editor window.  If in doubt, contact your support team.

 I tried adding a banner image to a page, but it’s the wrong size. How do I fix this?

If you are unsure as to what size the banner image needs to be, you can always refer to the style guide on your website. You will typically find this by hovering over Admin in the left hand corner of the screen, and looking in the Site Build area. If you do not have a style guide, access another page that has a banner image and open the click to edit for the image. Click on the image and at the bottom of the editor you will see dimensions for the height and the width - make note of this as this will be the proper size. Next, find the image in the Image Explorer and right click on the image > Edit Image. This will open up PicMonkey so you can resize the image. First, try to resize the image. You can either resize the height or the width to try to get to the closest dimension needed. If it still is not the proper size, click crop and enter in the proper dimensions (both height and width). Drag the box around on the image to choose what to crop to use. Save the image and try adding it to the page. For full details on Image Editing, click here.

 How do you add a document to a page/email/article/event flyer?

Since all web pages, emails, articles, and event flyers use the same Editor - you can add a document using the Editor in these places by following the steps below:

Upload the Document to the Document Upload by hovering over Admin > Document Upload. Click the plus sign to launch the upload window and upload the document from your computer.
Navigate to the page/email/article/event flyer and open the click to edit.
Click the Hyperlink Manager icon in the tool bar and choose Document Link. This will launch the Document Upload so you can choose your file.
Double click on the document to add to the page.
Save & Close out.

To hyperlink text on the page/email/article/event flyer to a document, follow the below steps:

Upload the Document to the Document Upload by hovering over Admin > Document Upload. Click the plus sign to launch the upload window and upload the document from your computer.
Navigate to the page/email/article/event flyer and open the click to edit.
Highlight the text you want the document to be attached to and click the Hyperlink Manager icon in the tool bar and choose Document Link. This will launch the Document Upload so you can choose your file.
Double click on the document to add to the page.
Save & Close out.

 How do I add a border to a table?

Right click in the table and choose Table Properties. Click on the Style Builder icon. Click on Border. Under Border Style, either click Same for All for a border that goes around each cell, or choose whether the border is on the top, bottom, left, or right - or a combination of these. Under Border Width choose a thickness for the border by typing in a pixel amount. For the border color, use the paint bucket icons to pick a color(s) for the border(s). Click OK to apply changes. Save and close out of the page. 

 How do I embed a video?

Open up the Editor by using the click to edit. Click Insert and then click External Video. Click Advanced Mode to expand a text box. Paste the video embed code here. It is important to note, that the video must be hosted on a 3rd party hosting service to place a video here and it must have an embed code (YouTube, Vimeo). If you have a raw video file that is not hosted on another website and would like information on Clubessential Video Hosting services, contact your Account Manager. 

 I want to personalize a page/email/article/event flyer - how can I do this (what are snippets)?

You can easily personalize any area of the website that uses the Editor. It is most popular to personalize emails and event flyers. In order to personalize a page and pull in member information you will use Snippets. Snippets are bits of code that pull in a member’s information based upon what is in their profile, like Member Name or Join Date. You will find Snippet under Insert > Snippet. The initial options are the most used: Site Name, Page Title, Member Name, and Current Date. If you’re looking for something more specific, hover over more further options. Then, click on the option and the code will be generated. Save and close out. 

 How do I hyperlink an email in the Editor?

Add an email address to text in the editor by using the Insert Hyperlink tool. Click on the Hyperlink tool and click the Hyperlink Manager option. Click on the Email tab. Type in the email address in Address field and type in the link text (which can be the same as the email address, or a text prompt like Contact Us) in the Link Text field. If you wish to generate an email subject for the email, type in a short subject link in the Subject Box. (The tooltip is an outdated function - disregard this box). Click Ok. Save and close the page.

 How do I create a Link for an Event in the Editor?

Add a link to an event using the editor by clicking on the Hyperlink tool in the toolbar and then click on Event Link. This will list all events that members can register for. To sort through your various calendars, click on the dropdown next to Interest Areas to sort through your calendars. Under target, choose if the link should open in a New Window (recommended), Parent Window, Same Window etc. Then, click on the event. The event link will now be added in the content area. Click save and close out of the page.

 How do I add an embed code?

You will have to go in to the HTML tab of the editor, which you can find near the bottom of the window between the default "Design" tab and the Preview tab. Once you click in to the HTML tab, you can add the embed code in the location you would like for it to appear. Be sure to not delete any existing code in the HTML tab.

App & Beacons

 How do I send a push notification?

To send a push notification, you will first need to login to the desktop website. Hover over Admin in the left hand corner of the screen, and then click on Push Notifications under Communications. Next, define the recipients, enter a message , and add any links to include if needed. Then, you can Preview Message to move to the next screen where you may send the message now or schedule for later date.

 Where do we put beacons?

Put beacons at the highest vantage point possible. This will ensure that their signal will not get blocked by objects or even people walking so that their reach is as far as possible. Beacons will come with velcro so that you can place the beacon on the wall or at another high vantage point like on top of a large bookcase.


 Can I customize the header and footer on the statement?

 Absolutely. Access the statement window by clicking on the statement link in your navigation from the private side of the website. Hover over Admin in the statement window and click Edit Statement Layout. Hover over Admin again in the statement window and either choose Edit Statement Header or Edit Statement Footer. The Editor will launch so you may add: imagery, text, and hyperlinks.

Directory & Member Profiles

 How can I tell if someone changed info in their profile?

There is a profile update report on the website that should tell you who made updates to Member profiles, and when. You can access this from the Admin panel of your website, under the reporting tab, by clicking the link titled "Profile Update".
From this page you can set some parameters for the report that you want to run, like the dates and types of edits you want to see, then run the report.



 A document on the public side is requiring a login, how do I fix this?

If the document is requiring login, then it means the document is still secured in the document upload. Navigate to the document upload and locate the document.  There's a blue box to the right of each file in your document upload under a tab called "Secure." Unchecking this box will make the documents public and remove the login requirement. 


  I created a Dynamic Group and have sent an email to the Dynamic Group, but no one received it. Why?

Double check the Dynamic Group rules to make sure they are set up properly. To do so, export the Dynamic Group to make sure members are in it. If members are in it, see if those members received the email. If they did not, make sure the members have their Received Email option enabled in their Profile.

 What’s the best way to get people to opt-in to a Static Group?

Members have the ability to opt-in to static groups via their profile, or the unsubscribe link in blast emails. A simple email reminder of how to do this in their profile or via the unsubscribe link should encourage members to sign-up. Create specific Static Groups that are relevant to your membership and the types of communication they wish to receive. Use that group to communicate to members see the benefit in belonging to the group.



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