Office - POS Credit Card Transactions - Clubessential U
Important Notes
Versions 5.4 and under: When a credit card ticket is deleted through Approve Charge Batches in CMA, it does
not reverse the credit card payment through Pay Pros. You will need to log into the Pay Pros website to edit the
transaction on their side. Therefore it is best to delete a credit card ticket in POS so that the ticket is deleted
from the POS batch and the funds are reversed in Pay Pros. Delete Credit Card Ticket in POSVersion 5.5 you can no longer delete Credit Card Tickets in Approve Charge Batches. This change was made because credit
card and ACH payments deleted through Approve Payment Batches did not reverse through PPI. You must now follow the
Delete Credit Card Ticket procedures.Deleting tickets after a Credit Card has been swiped (either at opening or closing of the ticket) you must follow
the proper delete procedures. Do not reopen the ticket and try to delete the items and the ticket; this will put
the ticket in an Invalid state. If you get an error message the Ticket is Invalid Clubessential support will need to fix
the ticket and the accountant will have to contact Pay Pros to delete the credit card charge.It is important to close all credit card tickets before the end of day. Once the Credit Cards have been processed
by Pay Pros you cannot add tips or make changes to the ticket through POS. You will need to log into the Pay
Pros websites to edit the transaction and go through member charges to correct the member account.If allowing additional gratuity; accounting will not be able to post the batch if the 2nd
step was not complete. If the club is setup to allow additional gratuity there will be a second step to finalize the credit card process. It is
important to remember that ALL credit card tickets must complete the second step even if they do not have an
additional gratuity to add to the ticket. Closing Ticket to Credit CardPay Pros contact information or Pay Prose Support 800-774-6462 Ext. 2
Credit Card batch close out procedures are communicated by Pay Pros to the club; if you do not know what
time they process the daily credit cards please contact Pay ProsPay Pros should have given the club a Login User & Password and trained someone at the club how to view &
edit transactions from the Pay Pros website; if you do not know your user and password please contact Pay Pros
Closing Ticket to Credit Card
1. In POS ordering screen > select Close Ticket > select Credit Card settlement > swipe the card > Done when
finished (go to step 2 only if you are setup to allow additional gratuity)
2nd Step is the final step to fully process the credit card; this step is required for all credit card tickets even if you do
not have an additional gratuity to add
In the Open Ticket Display Tab the credit card ticket will be displayed in Yellow
2. Select the ticket in yellow > at the lower left hand corner of the screen put a check on Print settle ticket on
close if you wish to have a receipt showing the added tip > enter the Gratuity amount (you can enter a
percentage or manually key in the amount) > OK to complete the transaction. If there is no tip to add just select
OK to specify a $0 tip.
- There should be no tickets listed in the Open Ticket tab (Yellow or not) before printing EOS report
- If the 2nd step was not complete and accounting is unable to post the daily batch click here for instructions to fix
Delete Credit Card Tickets
The most important thing to remember is that to delete a credit card ticket it must be completely closed first (both
settled and 2nd step) before it can be deleted through System Tools in POS. This is the only way the deleted
transaction will communicate back to the Pay Pros
1. Follow the steps Closing Ticket to Credit Card >
2. Go to System Tools > Closed Tickets Tab > Highlight Ticket and select Delete Ticket > Are you sure you want to
deleted ticket # > Yes > Exit back to main POS screen
Reopen a Credit Card Ticket
If you need to reopen a credit card ticket to make corrections, remember you cannot use the credit card
settlement button again. To reclose a Credit Card ticket you must close to the Tab Settlement Type; this will
send the adjustment amount to Pay Pros with the difference between the first close and the second close. It is
also important to remember that you can only reopen a ticket on the same day as the transaction.
1. Go to System Tools > Closed Tickets > Highlight the ticket > select Re-Open Ticket > you will be warned that all
Payments made on this ticket will be erased > select Yes
2. In the POS order screen make the necessary ticket corrections; when done >
3. Select Closed Tickets > select Tab Button (located on the key pad under the Tax Exempt button). The Credit
Card information is stored on the ticket so you do not need the credit card to reclose the ticket.
You will only see the Tab button when the card information is on file for the Credit Card, meaning the card
has already been swiped- If you do not see a Tab button after reopening a Credit Card ticket go to Activate the Tab Settlement
Basic rule of thumb: if the Tab button is displayed then you have to use Tab settlement and not Credit Card
settlement. If the Tab button is not displayed use the Credit Card settlement to swipe the card (there is no
credit card information on file for the ticket).
Using the Charge Tab
Charge Tab is used to store the credit card on the ticket at the time the ticket is open as opposed to swiping the
card at the end when closing. Mainly used by clubs who allow non-member visits; this allows them to capture the
credit card information before the sale
1. Select Charge Tab > swipe the Credit Card > proceed with order as normal, when ready to close the ticket >
2. Select Closed Tickets > select Tab Button (located on the key pad under the Tax Exempt button). The Credit
Card information is stored on the ticket so you do not need to swipe the card again
It is important to remember when using the Charge Tab the settlement cannot be changed once the card has
been swiped. If the guest decides to pay with a different method a new ticket will need to be open. The ticket
that has been swiped with the credit card will need to be deleted following the steps to Delete Credit Card
Activate Tab Settlement
Activate the Tab Settlement Button; this must be done for EVERY Area that allows credit cards at POS
1. Top Tool Bar in CMA go to System > Areas > click on the Area > go to the POS Options Tab > Tab Payment click
the down arrow > select Credit Card > Save & Close. Repeat steps for all areas that allow Credit Card
Unable to Post Batch
If you are unable to post the batch because the second step was not completed:
1. You will need to know the server who left the ticket open and their Employee Swipe Id. If you do not know the
Server ID go to Employees > double click on the employee > System > Card Swipe Id
2. Using the Employee Swipe Id sign into POS
3. The ticket will be listed in yellow; click on the ticket and put a check mark on Do Not Process > OK > Once the
ticket no longer displays on the Open Ticket tab you can post the batch
Pay Pros usually processes the daily credit cards by 5am in the morning; if you are posting batches for credit
card transactions after this time then you must put a check mark on Do No Process. The only thing that will not
be processed is the additional tip; the sales were already processed.If the ticket did have additional tip that should have been processed you will need to contact Pay Pros to edit
the credit card transaction or…Pay Pros should have given the club a Login User & Password and trained someone at the club how to view &
edit transactions on the Pay Pros website; if you do not know your login information contact Pay Pros at or Pay Prose Support 800-774-6462 Ext. 2