Enable Vaccination Status on Mobile POS

Enable Vaccination Status on Mobile POS


Now that Covid-19 vaccines are plentiful and many states are mandating them for private venues, Clubs need a way to track which of their Members have received the vaccine. They also need to let their employees know which members are vaccinated when viewing the POS. The following article will detail the process of entering vaccination information into the system once the club has the records on hand.

Office Set up

In order to track vaccination records for the Members of the club within CMA (Office), first enable a custom field to live under the Member’s profiles.

Create a Custom Field

Access Custom Fields by clicking on the Membership drop down along the top module settings. Then select Custom Fields.

Within the menu bar on the Custom Fields grid, select the New Icon to build a new custom field.

This will open a dialog box to select which type of custom field to add. Select Text.

Next, the custom field options will populate.

Name: Enter the name for the custom field for easy look up. We recommend something like Vaccination Date or Dates of Vaccination.

Category: This is used for reporting. If the club would like to make a vaccination specific category they can by following the steps listed here.

Description: Enter more information about the custom field.

Display Order: Organizes the custom fields by this order. Lower numbers are higher on the display list.

Max Chars: Limits the maximum number of characters in the field. Default is set at 255.

Default: Will auto populate the field with this information. Can be overridden by an admin when editing the field during member creation or within the member’s office profile. Leave blank for reporting purposes.

Multiline: allows the club to have more than one line of text.

Required: Requires the club to add this field on any new member.

Show on Grid: Displays the data from this field on the Member Grid when Manage Members is select in the Member Module.

Web Privileges: No longer applicable and can be ignored.

Once all the fields are filled click Save.

To learn more about custom fields click Here. To learn how to edit a member’s custom fields in their profile click Here.


Creating a Dynamic Group for POS Visibility

First, create a saved report using the Custom Field Values report under Interactive Reports.

The criteria for the report should be the following:

Entity Type: Member

Custom Field: Vaccination Date (the name of the custom field the club just built)

Types: All (If not all then select the type to be seen in the group later.)

Please note: The club may not want to include Resigned types since they will not attend any functions.

Status: Active and any others that will attend functions at the club.

Group By: Custom Field

Sort By: Entity Number

True False: Irrelevant

Detail Level: Custom Field

Exclude Empty Values: Checked

Exclude Guest Member: Checked


Once the report is built, click Save Current Settings.

Now that the report is built the club can set up a dynamic group that will show in the POS. To learn about setting up dynamic groups based on saved reports Click Here.

Enable the Dynamic Group View in the POS

Once the dynamic group is built the club will need to enable groups as a member detail criteria to be visible on the Member’s profile in the POS.

In order to access this section, click the System drop down along the module settings row. Then select Areas.

Please Note: If you do not see the System drop down or the Area option within it you will need to reach out to a club admin for the correct permissions.

Once in the Areas grid find and open the Area the club wants to see member group information. Open an area for edit by either highlighting it and clicking the Edit icon along the top ribbon or double clicking the Area in question.

In the Area settings navigate to the POS Options section and select Member Details.

In Member Details enable the Show Custom checkbox. This will allow the club to select which Member Groups will display when viewing the member’s information in the POS.

Once the correct Member group(s) have been selected, Save the Area. Now when an employee is viewing a member’s information in the POS they will be able to see if that member is in the Vaccinated group.

Viewing Member Groups In POS

Mobile POS

In Mobile POS, to get to the member’s profile information either use the member lookup from the left hand flyout menu or from the members image in a ticket. To learn more about these options Click Here.

Classic POS

In Classic POS, once a ticket is opened for a member the information can be accessed by clicking the Member Info button.




Q. Can I store vaccine card images in CMA?

A. CMA can only house one image per member for their profile. The club will want a separate workstation or server to house any vaccination records shared by members.

Q. Can I use the date style custom field?

A. Yes, however if the club is using any of CE’s reservation systems a date field cannot be shown on the admin dashboard. While a text field can. This is why we recommend using a text based custom field. We can then sync it to the website and add it to the reservation system’s admin dashboard for easy viewing.

Q. Can I just display the custom field on the POS?

A. Currently that option from the area setting does not connect to either Classic or Mobile POS.

Q. How do I see the Vaccination Custom field in the Manage Members grid?

A. Use the Customize Columns tool. Click Here for more information.

Q. Can I use this group to send out notifications to non-vaccinated members?

A. Yes. You can choose the same report and make sure the “not in” radial button is selected. This will build the group comprised of everyone without any vaccination information. Then once the group has synced to the website the club can send out emails, text, and push notifications (if the club is using our mobile app). If you want to know more about how Office groups sync to the website Click Here.


DISCLAIMER: Although federal law does not expressly prohibit a private business from requesting proof of COVID-19 vaccination status, state law requirements may differ. Prior to storing any vaccination information about a member (End User) on the Clubessential System, it’s recommended that your club speak with local counsel to understand and comply with state law requirements. To the extent we offer resources, guidance or best practices to our customers, such materials are provided for informational purposes only and should not be used or relied on as formal legal advice.

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