Page Security - Vaccination Status

Page Security - Vaccination Status


Utilizing vaccination groups, page security can be used to hide or show certain pages based on that group data.

Update Page Security

  1. To access a page’s security settings, use the grey Admin bar and select Page Security. The settings displayed will correspond to the currently selected page.

  2. Use the dropdown under Menu Visibility to select Admins, Editors & Group Users. Note: This dropdown determines who WILL be able to see this page.

  3. Next, select the dropdown under Groups and choose an existing vaccination group.

  4. Click Save.

View Change Log

  • At any time, the View Change Log link can be utilized to see any changes that may have been made to this specific page’s security. The log will show both what the change was, as well as who made the change.


DISCLAIMER: Although federal law does not expressly prohibit a private business from requesting proof of COVID-19 vaccination status, state law requirements may differ. Prior to storing any vaccination information about a member (End User) on the Clubessential System, it’s recommended that your club speak with local counsel to understand and comply with state law requirements. To the extent we offer resources, guidance or best practices to our customers, such materials are provided for informational purposes only and should not be used or relied on as formal legal advice.

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