Office - Navigating CMA

Office - Navigating CMA

Standard Layout

Club Management Systems referred to as CMA; is where you will perform accounting transactions, maintain
information, and run reports. This manual will teach you how to navigate the CMA system and use the standard

There are four main sections to all screen layouts:

  • Top Toolbar is referred to as the Administrative Menu– It contains setup options for configuring the various modules
    for CMA and POS. User security rights will determine what functions are available

  • Left Side Menu - lists the available Modules. The modules displayed will be based on the user security rights 

  • Upper Left – list the Options available for the selected Module. The options available are based on user security rights 

  • Middle section displays the information from the selected Module or Option; the display can vary depending on the
    Module and the user customization


  • Modules are the different products such as Accounts Payables, General Ledger, Membership, Employees, etc...

  • Options are the different functions available within a Module such as Invoice Entry, Member Payments, Journal
    Entries, etc...

The Top Toolbar

  1. Click on a Module; a drop down menu will appear with different functions displayed. The available choices will depend on the security rights that you are granted. If you do not see an option in the drop down menu that another user has or you believe you should have, it is because you do not have the security rights to make changes in that option. You will need to talk with an administrator at your club to have them give the access in your employee profile.

  2. To switch from one option to another, simply click on the tab at the top and it will take you to that option. 


  1. The Go To Club Website button will immediately load your club's website.

  2. Support Request is one way to submit a support request via email within CMA; when you send a support request you
    will receive an automated support reply with a Case Number to your email box

  3. To Exit the system click the X at the top far right corner. Also you can click on File in the top left corner and select exit from the drop down menu.

The Left Menu

  1. The Left Menu list the available Modules and Options. Once you have selected a Module(blue box), the available options will
    display at the top left corner(top left red box). If you see up/down arrows, that indicates there are more options below or above the
    display > click the arrow to move to the remaining options

  2. The center of the screen displays the AP Grid – for most Modules and options the main screen is a grid view. Grids are a
    very powerful reporting tool; it is highly recommended that you take full advantage of the grids. Each user has the
    ability to create multiple custom views. We have created a separate manual called Grids Version 5.5.

  3. Many columns have Filters, these filters can be selected by click on them in the center to toggle between ascending/descending. Also a filter can be applied to the grid by clicking on the gray arrow on the right side in the column header.

  4. The funnels shown on many columns are Filter Icons; click the icon to see your filter option. If you need to clear any filters that are active, simply click the "Clear Filter Icon" to turn off any filters. See Grid Version 5.5 for more instructions.

Standard Toolbar Icons

Add New Icon - will add a new record

Edit Icon – highlight the line, double click or click this icon to access the record for editing or viewing

Delete Icon – highlight the line and click this icon to delete the record; a message will appear “Are you sure you wish to
delete this record?” click Yes or No

Referesh Icon – will update the grid with all changes being made by other users

Clear All Filters Icon – will clear any filters applied to the grid and display all data

Export to Excel Icon – exports the grid data to Excel

Active Icon – defaults to the Green page and displays only active data. Click on the Green Page to change it to Red;
when in Red the system will display deleted and active data. You can highlight the deleted record, right click and select
Undelete to make the record active again

Search field – will search the grid for any name that contains the search criteria. Next to that are two fill in bubbles to search by "all words" or "any word". Ex: When searching for "Greens Fee", if the fill in for "all words" is filled in then it will search for a reference that contains both words "Greens Fee". If the fill in for "any word" is filled in next to the search bar, it will search for any reference that has the word "Greens" or "Fee" in it.

Standard Maintenance Icons

Save Icon – will save the record and remain on the maintenance screen

Save & New Icon – will save the changes and clear the screen to add a new record 

Save & Close Icon – will save the changes and exit the maintenance screen

Audit Log Icon – will take you to the Change Log and show the date of add, change, and delete info

Help Icon- will take you to the education center 

Change Log – will default to 30 days but you can change the date range and click View Data. Also if you double click on
a line you can see more details pertaining to the changes. Everytime you click on a line it creates a tab at the top of the
screen; you can click the X on the tab to remove it or keep the tab and move from tab to tab

Exit without saving Icon – the X at the upper far right corner of all screens will exit the screen and not save changes

Interactive Reports – is driven by criteria that give you the ability to filter, sort, and group the data. We have created
a separate manual called Dashboards and Interactive Reports Version 5.5.

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