Office - Guest Rooms - Deposits

Office - Guest Rooms - Deposits

Table of Contents


When Members book a Guest Room, sometimes a deposit needs to be held. This guide covers the basics on how to add a Deposit using a Credit Card to a Folio.

Required Permissions

  • Guest Rooms

  • Add/Edit/Delete Folio

  • POS Area Access

Updating Room Information

  1. Book a Reservation for the specific Member.

  2. Enter the number of occupants staying in the room.

  3. Select a room to update the information.

Entering Credit Card

  1. Once the reservation has been made, select the corresponding room and select Add Credit Card.

    • Please Note: Open Edge/PPI platforms do not support saving a credit card for a room.

  2. Once Add Credit Card is selected, a window will populate allowing the User to enter Member Credit Card information.

    • Please Note: ETS is the current example, the window from a different Payment Processor may look slightly different.

  3. Once Member Credit Card information has been entered and saved, it will populate for the room, as seen here.

    • Please Note: Credit cards are linked to rooms not individual occupants.  If two or more occupants are in a room, only one credit card may be attached to a room.

Settle Folio

  1. Select the Folio Button to open the Folios for this reservation.

  2. Select the room to add the Deposit. Then select Settle Folio.

  3. Enter the amount for the Deposit.

  4. Then choose whether to quickly settle this deposit to the sponsoring Member Account or Cash/Credit/Member Charge Other to open POS to settle another way.

  5. The Screen Group created for the Guest Rooms module will open and show the deposit amount on a ticket waiting for you to settle.

  6. Select Close Ticket to move to the settlement screen.

  7. Select the method you wish to settle the deposit.  In the example below we will select the Credit Card settlement type.

  8. Select Print & Done to start the credit card process.

  9. If there is already a Credit Card assigned to the room, a prompt will ask if the card on file is the one to be used for this room.

  10. If yes, then the Credit Card on file will be charged. If no, a prompt will ask the User to swipe or manually enter information for another Credit Card, as seen below.

  11. The deposit will now be reflected as a credit on the room Folio.

  12. Double clicking the transaction row will allow for edits. From here the deposit description field can be changed to ‘Deposit for Guest Room’ or something similar.

  13. Select Save and Close to save the information. The Deposit will now be listed as Deposit for Guest Room on the room Folio.

Best Practices

