Point of Sale (POS) Unification with the Tee Sheet

Point of Sale (POS) Unification with the Tee Sheet

Table of Contents


Clubs with our Unified Tee Times system will have additional functionality in their POS. Tee times made on the website by members or staff will create potential tickets in the POS to make managing tee times more efficient for the golf staff. Staff will also have the ability to access their tee sheet directly through POS.

Required Permissions

  • Tee Times Admin

Accessing Tee Times in the Point of Sale

  1. Sign into your POS using your employee code.

  2. Once signed into POS, select the Tee Times tab.

Point of Sale Tools Summary

  1. The tee times tab in POS will display potential tickets for all of the tee times that have been created for the date you are viewing. Today’s date will be the default date that loads. There are a few tools across the top of the tee times tab:

    • The Today area and the arrows on both the right and left hand side: allow for you to update the day you are viewing.

    • [All Courses] drop down: allows for you to filter to view tee times created for an individual course (if you only have one course, there is no need to use this filter).

    • No Filter option: allows for you to filter out either who has fully paid or who has not paid for their round. By default, both paid and not paid will display.

    • Multi-Select Off: as is displayed can be selected to be turned on. This allows for you to select multiple groups to charge them all at once or charge multiple groups to the same member account.

    • Show Admin Dashboard: shows your tee sheet that can also be accessed through the website.

    • Refresh: allows you to manually refresh so any new tee times show up on the ‘Tee Times’ tab in POS. Please note, the system typically refreshes every minute.

  2. There are also a few tools you will find toward the bottom of your screen:

    • Open Selected: Works with the Multi-Select button. Once Multi-Select is turned on, can can select multiple groups that you would like to charge to the same member.

    • Member Charge All: Charges all of the remaining uncharged groups for the day you are viewing.

    • Colors: Allows for you to customize the colors for various statuses of each tee time (unpaid, partially paid and paid).

    • Full Screen: Full screen mode

    • Auto Refresh: This is how often the tee sheet is checked to pull over new tee times. Clicking on this option allows for you to choose the update frequency.

    • Grid Options: Allows for you to adjust the information you see for each tee time in POS.

Show Admin Dashboard

Ability to view the admin dashboard within your POS terminal allows for you to create, edit and charge tee times all from one location

  1. Show Admin Dashboard loads the tee sheet as you would see it if you logged into the website as a golf admin and selected to view the tee times dashboard. From here, you can create new tee times or edit/cancel existing tee times.

  2. Once you are finished, you can click Hide Admin Dashboard to return to POS.

  3. Changes made on the tee sheet should reflect in POS once you return.

Importance of Tee Time Accuracy

Before charging for a round in the POS, it’s important that the tee time is correctly entered into the tee sheet. Typically, rules are created on the back end of the system to auto select the proper fee based on how the tee time is created on the tee sheet. Because of this, things like round length, course transportation and guest type become very important to keep accurate.

  1. The red $ icons under each player’s name indicate that the player has not been charged yet in POS. Once the player is charged, the icon will turn green.

  2. Jumping back to POS by selecting hide admin dashboard shows the tee time as a potential ticket.

Charging in Point of Sale

In the POS, there is a potential ticket for any tee time created through the tee sheet. If you don’t see a potential ticket for the tee time you have created, click the Refresh button and it should load.

  1. To create a ticket for that tee time, double click on on the potential ticket opening the Create Ticket window.

  2. The left hand side of this window determines which account you are charging the round.

  3. The right hand side determines who selected on the left is paying for who is selected on the right.

  4. The system will automatically select to be charged to the first member in the group but if this is not the case, uncheck the name.

  5. Once this screen is correct, select the OK button. You should then be brought to a screen that looks similar to this.

  6. On the left hand side, fees load automatically because of how the tee time was entered on the tee sheet. This loads automatically because of rules created in the setup process of the system. (If you feel that the proper fees are not loading in your system, please contact Clubessential to discuss your fee structure.)

  7. As long as the fees are correct, you can now do a Quick Charge or Close Ticket. If you would like to add additional items such as merchandise, you can do so from here as well before charging for the round. (The grid of fees you will have to select from will be customized for your operation).

Additional Options for Charging

The rules for when to charge what fee based on tee sheet criteria should have been tested prior to using the following options.

  1. Multi-Select charging: This tool allows for you to charge several groups at the same time without verifying the charges assigned to each member in each group. To turn this on, select ‘Multi-Select Off’. The button should then turn orange and you should be able to click on each group you would like to charge.

  2. Member Charge Selected: After you finish selecting the groups, this button is towards the bottom. Once selected, the system will both ask you if you are sure and allow for you to print a receipt for each ticket. When this is completed, the groups will be shown as paid. To go back to charging individual groups, click the Multi-Select On button to turn this functionality off.

  3. Member Charge All: This tool allows for you to charge all uncharged groups for the day you are viewing at the same time without verifying the charges assigned to each member in each group. With the Multi-Select option turned off, select the Member Charge All option.

  4. Once selected, the system will both ask you if you are sure and allow for you to print a receipt for each ticket. When this is completed, everyone will be shown as paid.

  5. Members will charge to their own accounts using the multi-select or member charge all tools. Guests will automatically charge to the first member listed in the group. If you want to charge the members or guests differently than that, we recommend you charge those specific groups first and then do a multi charge or member charge all.

Reopen & Delete Tickets

If you find yourself needing to make an update after charging a member or guest for their round, you will need to re-open or delete their ticket.

  1. First, from the Tee Times tab in POS double click on the group you would like to reopen or delete the ticket for. The closed tickets window will open:

  2. From here, you can click on the ticket you would like to re-open or delete (highlighting it in orange) and select Delete Ticket or Re-Open Ticket. The View Ticket option on the right allows for you to view and print the receipt.

  3. If you are unable to re-open or delete a ticket, it likely means that the batch has been posted. To undo this, someone would need to go into the Clubessential Club Management Application and unpost the batch. Once this is complete, you should be able to re-open or delete the ticket in POS.

Best Practices

  1. Before charging, it’s best to make sure everything is correct on the tee sheet. This helps with charging the proper fees and keeps stats accurate.

  2. We recommend updating your grid options. For example, clubs that only have one course can remove this redundant information from the tee time grid. You can find the Grid Options on the tee times tab in the POS at the bottom right hand corner.

  3. Test the auto selection on fees before using the multi-charge or member charge all tools. If any of the scenarios are not working as expected, please reach out to Clubessential to discuss your fee structure.


  1. I’m having trouble viewing the Admin Dashboard through POS. It’s displaying the member tee sheet when I click to view.

  2. What is likely happening is the employee account you are logging in with does not have admin rights to the tee times system. This is generally managed through the website by a website administrator at the club.

  3. When I click to charge, the incorrect fees are loading. How can I fix this?

  4. Please contact Clubessential to discuss your fee structure. This is something that needs to be added into your tee times system configuration.

  5. I don’t see the ‘Tee Times’ tab when I log into POS. How can I access this?

  6. There could be a few reasons for this. If the sales area you are using is an F&B sales area, the ‘Tee Times’ tab will not display. If this is not the case, your tee times system might need to be configured for unification by Clubessential.


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