Office - General Ledger - Year End Wizard

Office - General Ledger - Year End Wizard

Table of Contents


  • The Year End Process consists of opening new periods for the new fiscal year, running the Year End Wizard, and closing the current fiscal year. The Year End Wizard ensures all balances roll forward properly for the new year. In this guide, you will learn how to Create, Open, Close Periods and run the End of Year procedures in Office.

Required Permissions

  • G/L Budgets (V, E, C, D)

  • G/L Periods (V, E, C, D)

  • G/L Approve Journal Entry Batches (V, E, C)

  • G/L Year End Wizard (V)

  • Whatever Department the Retained Earnings Accounts are connected to

Creating Periods 

  1. From the Top Tool Bar Select General Ledger > Budgets > click the Plus Sign > Enter the year to create the periods > Click OK. 

  2. You will be prompted to confirm this is what you want to do > Yes > Close to exit. 

  3. By default, the Periods are closed when they are created and will need to be opened before you can post batches to the new periods.

Opening and Closing Periods 

From the Top Tool Bar Select General Ledger > Periods > Double-Click on the Period you wish to open or close > Uncheck or check the Closed box (if the period is closed it will have a check mark) > Save and Close to exit screen. 

  • Appropriate security rights are required to open and close periods.

  • Reopening and Reclosing Periods must be done in sequential order. For example: if you are in period 4 and want to reopen period 1, you will first need to reopen period 3, 2, then 1. To reclose the periods you will need to close period 1, 2, then 3.

  • Once you close a period, you will not be able to post batches to the closed period; you will need to reopen the period to post the batch. 

Year End Wizard 

The Year End Wizard will reset the income and expenses for the new year and create a journal entry to record the retained earnings. The Year End Wizard must be run before you run f