Club Intelligence - Adjusting Filters

Table of Contents


Each Dashboard will have filters on the right-hand column of the screen that will allow you to filter for specific data points. Filters will have the name of that data point you can filter by. 

Required Permissions

  • Club Intelligence Admin 

Accessing the Tool

  1. From your club website, go to the Admin Bar. 

  2. Select Club Intelligence. 

  3. Select a Dashboard you would like to view. 

Using the Filters 

  • Hover over the filter heading and click the pencil icon that appears.

  • Click the checkbox to select the value you want to access.

  • Click Apply. 

Filter Features 

  • Three Dot Dropdown – Use this to save/access your Default Filters. 

  • Filter Heading – this indicates the item being filtered by 

  • Pencil Icon – Hover over the filter heading to access. Then click to add/remove values. 

  • Toggle Button – Use this to toggle on/off a specific filter. 

  • Expand/Collapse Arrow – Use this to open and close the filter window as needed. 

Best Practices



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