Club Intelligence - Reading the F&B Dashboard

Club Intelligence - Reading the F&B Dashboard

Table of Contents


  • The F&B Dashboard will give the Food and Beverage director up to date data to help them gauge the health of their F&B Department. View Revenue and best-selling items in this easy to navigate dashboard.

  • Each dashboard you access will be composed of various widgets. Some can be modified via filters but also will have options within the widget to drill down for more information and Data. For more information on filtering widgets, please refer to the guides:

  • General Navigation

  • Adjusting Filters

Required Permissions

  • Club Intelligence Admin 


Accessing the Tool

  1. Go to Admin Bar. 

  2. Select Club Intelligence. 

  3. Select the F&B Dashboard. 


The user’s dashboard will launch, the first set of widgets at your disposal are:

  1. Revenue Breakdown by Meal Period – Shows a pie chart breakdown of the meal period data for the given date range in the dashboard. You can see the meal period name, percentage for each meal period. Selecting a meal period will change the Total Net Revenue, Covers, Revenue by Day of the Week, and the Revenue/Covers by day widgets to reflect data related to that meal period.

  2. Total Revenue – Total Revenue will show you the selected date range’s total revenue. When the widget is selected, a popup will appear with a breakdown of the revenue. You will see graphs for:

    • Net Revenue by Day.

    • Net Revenue by Time of Day.

    • Net Revenue by Area.

    • Item Revenue & Discounts.

    • Net Revenue by Item Category.

  3. Covers - Covers will show you the selected date range’s covers. This widget shows the dashboards total covers unless a specific meal period is selected, then the widget updates to show that meal period’s covers. Selecting the Covers widget will produce a popup that contains:

  4. Revenue Breakdown by Day of Week – This widget is in pie graph format and selecting a day will convert the other widgets to reflect that day’s data.

Please Note: If more than one week is selected the totals for each day of the week will show. I.e., the full month of July would have every Monday’s totals within this widget combined for Mondays.

  • You may apply filters directly to the above by selecting items in the pivot tables of the widgets. For example, if I choose the Dinner Meal Period from the Breakdown by Meal Period widget and then Friday in the Breakdown by day of Week, the data in the rest of the widgets will load to display the dinner and Friday data only.

Best Sellers

The next set of widgets will show:

  1. Top Grossing Items – Revenue – A spread sheet including the Item Name, Revenue, and Number sold of the top grossing items can be seen here.

  2. Revenue by Item Category - A pie graph breaking down the sale percentages by item Category. Selecting a category will change the other widgets to produce data about that item category.

  3. Top Selling Items – Qty – A spreadsheet including the Item Name, Revenue, and Number Sold of the top selling items can be seen here.


The next widget that we see:

  1. Income vs. Budget – We see the budget amounts compared to the income for each of the leger accounts in the F&B departments. We get to see % of budget, Budget Amount (MTD Proration) and Budget % (MTD Proration).

  2. Income % to Budget - Shows a gauge of the current Prorated Month to Date budget percentage.

Net Profit/Loss - Actual vs. Budget

This widget is in the form of a line graph and shows the last 365 days worth of budget compared to actual income. The graph highlights;

  • Variance to Budget.

  • Net Profit/Loss.

  • Budget Amount.

Dining Reservations

The last widget on the F&B Dashboard looks at:

  1. Dining Reservations by Room - The data is presented in line graph format and shows the Date on the X axis and Reservations on the Y axis.

    • Hovering over the data points in the graph will allow you to see the data and can be used to compare the total number of covers for that day.


Best Practices

  1. If your dashboard is showing data for dates, people, events, etc. that you are not looking for, remove and reset your filters.



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