Club Intelligence - Reading the Courts Dashboard

Club Intelligence - Reading the Courts Dashboard

Table of Contents


  • Learn how to access and read you Activities Dashboard.

  • Each dashboard you access will be composed of various widgets. Some can be modified via filters but also will have options within the widget to drill down for more information and Data. For more information on filtering widgets, please refer to the guides: 

  • General Navigation

  • Adjusting Filters

Required Permissions

  • Club Intelligence Admin 

Accessing the Tool 

  1. Go to Admin Bar. 

  2. Select Club Intelligence. 

  3. Select the Activities Dashboard. 

Weather and Reservations Today 

The first set of widgets highlight weather forecasting for your area as well as the number of reservations today: 

  • Registrants – This widget shows the upcoming reservations for the day compared to the same period last year. Selecting the widget will produce a dropdown including the name and resource being utilized with number Members and guests as well as the TBDs for those registrations.

  • Weather – The Weather widget will show local weather conditions so that the Tennis Pro can schedule or modify schedules accordingly.                                                                                         

  •  Total Revenue - This widget displays the total revenue for the department as well as a total of items sold. Selecting this widget will produce a popup containing:

    • Net Revenue by Day - Line graph displaying the month’s revenue by day.

    • Net Revenue by time of Day - Bar graph displaying sales within hours of the day and broken down by day of the week.

    • Net Revenue by Area - Bar graph highlighting the total dollars broken down by areas.

    • Item Revenue and Discounts - A chart displaying the Item Name, Revenue dollars, and Discount dollars.

    • Net Revenue by Item Category - Bar Graph highlighting the revenue broken down by Item Category.

    • Discounts by Area - A pie graph showing the percentage of discounts each area accounts for.

    • Markdown Ratio by Area - Bar graph displaying Area and it’s percentage of markdowns.

    • Discounts by Item Category - A pie graph displaying the percentage that each Item Category makes for the discounts given.

    • Charts for Discounts by Meal Period and Day of the Week - The final two charts display the discounts broken down by Meal Period and Day of the Week.

Utilization by Resource and Reservation by Type 

The second row of widgets will display information related to resources

  • Registrants by Type – Will present the data in a bar graph showing the number of reservations by Type.  

    • Select the data type (This Year versus Last Year) you would like to use to view the data. You can leave both sources to compare if needed.  

    • You can then hover over the data type for additional information and click on the data point to drill down into the resource.  

  • Utilization – Shown as a gauge, this widget provides a quick glance at the utilization of the resources as a percentage. Clicking on the widget will produce a popup showing:

    • Utilization by Day of Week - Bar graph showing each day of the week and the resource utilization for that day.

    • Utilization Last 7 Days - Bar graph showing the resource’s utilization over the last 7 days.

    • Top 7 Utilized Dates - Chart highlighting the dates where the resources were most utilized.

    • Botton 7 Utilized Dates - Chart highlighting the dates where the resources were least utilized.

    • Utilization by Resource - Chart highlighting utilization by resource. The chart is broken down by columns;

      • Classification (Resource Type)

      • Location

      • Resource Name

      • Time Slots Reserved

      • Time Slots Available

      • Utilization

Activities Reservations by Month and Week 

Next, we see the following widgets

  • Reservations by Month – A line graph showing the number of reservations by month. Reservations are on the Y axis and the date is on the X Axis. Hovering over a data point will allow the user to see additional information about the number of reservations for that Month.  

  • Reservations by Week – A line graph showing the number of reservations by week. Reservations are on the Y Axis and date (week) is on the X Axis. Hovering over a data point will allow the user to see additional information about the number of reservations for that week. 

Registrations by Member and Guest Type 

The final row of widgets goes over member and guest data: 

  • Registrations by Member Type – Shows how many members are booking reservations based on their membership type. Hovering over and selecting a data point will allow you to drill into the Member Type to see the members who have booked a reservation.  

  • Registrations by Guest Type – Shows how many guests are booking reservations based on their guest type. Hovering over and selecting a data point will allow you to view the guests who have booked a reservation.  

Best Practices

  1. If your dashboard is showing data for dates, people, events, etc. that you are not looking for, remove and reset your filters.



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