

Table of Contents


Snippets are used to pull profile information from a Member currently logged in or associated with a particular account and display it on a page or in an email. They are most commonly used to personalize the Member experience on web pages and emails.

Please Note: The New Clubessential Email Editor is available as of 9/16/19. Please refer to Clubessential Email Editor for a detailed User Guide.

Required Permissions

  • Admin

  • Editor

Site Info Snippets

These snippets can be used to pull site information. These are generally used in the site and email footers

Snippet Name



Site Name


Outputs the site name

Site URL


Outputs the URL for the site

Date Snippets

Snippet Name



Current Date in format "Weekday, Month Day, Year"


Shows current date using specified format. Updates dynamically with the date

Current Date in format "Month/Day/Year"


Shows current date using specified format. Updates dynamically with the date

Current Date in format "Month Day"


Shows current date using specified format. Updates dynamically with the date

Current Date in format "Month Day, Year"


Shows current date using specified format. Updates dynamically with the date

Current Month


Shows the current month. Updates dynamically when the month changes

Previous Month


Shows the previous month. Updates dynamically when the month changes

Next Month


Shows the next month. Updates dynamically when the month changes

Current Month with Year


Shows current month and year. Updates dynamically when the month changes

Previous Month with Year


Shows previous month and year. Updates dynamically when the month changes

Next Month with Year


Shows next month and year. Updates dynamically when the month changes

Last Day of Current Month


Shows last day of current month. Updates dynamically when the month changes

Last Day of Previous Month


Shows last day of previous month. Updates dynamically when the month changes

Last Day of Next Month


Shows last day of next month. Updates dynamically when the month changes

Current Year


Shows the current year. Updates dynamically when the month changes. Useful for putting the year into copyright notices so that they don't have to be manually updated every year

Previous Month's Year


Shows year of previous monty. Update dynamically when the month changes

Next Month's Year


Shows year of next month. Updates dynamically when month changes

Time Snippets

Snippet Name



Current Time in format "H:MM AM/PM"


Shows current time in the specified format

Current Time in 24 hour format "HH:MM"


Shows current time in the specified format

Current Hour in 12 hour format "HH"


Shows current hour only. Will return value from 1-12

Current Hour in 24 hour format "HH" 


Shows current hour only. Will return value from 0-23

Current Minute "MM"


Shows current minute. Will return value from 0-59

Current AM/PM


Shows AM/PM


Please Note: Many of the snippet names below will change depending on Club specific setup and preferences.

Member Info Snippets

Snippet Name



Member Number


Shows user member number

Member Number (Relationship)


Shows user member number with relationship code

Last Digit of Member Number


Shows last digit of user member number

Last 2 Digits of Member Number


Shows last 2 digits user of member number

Last 3 Digits of Member Number


Shows last 3 digits user of member number from

Last 4 Digits of Member Number


Shows last 4 digits user of member number

Last 5 Digits of Member Number


Shows last 5 digits user of member number

Relationship Code


Shows user relationship code

Relationship w/ Label


Shows user relationship label

Account Type


Shows user account type

Membership Level


Shows user membership level

Membership Start


Membership End


Display Name




First name


First Initial


Shows first character of clt_fname

Middle Name


Middle Initial


Shows first character of clt_mname

Last Name


Last Initial


Shows first character of clt_lname



Email Address 1


Email Address 1 as Link


Shows clt_email; formats as hyperlink

Email Address 2


Email Address 2 as Link


Shows clt_email2; formats as hyperlink



Shows user's username



Shows shows user password



Birthday (M/D/YYYY)


Shows clt_birthday in specified format

Birthday (Month Day, Year)


Shows clt_birthday in specified format

Birthday w/o Year (M/D)


Shows clt_birthday in specified format

Birthday w/o Year (Month Day)


Shows clt_birthday in specified format

Address Snippets

Snippet Name


  1. Company / Title


  1. Street 1


  1. Street 2


  1. City


  1. State


  1. Zip


  1. Country


  1. Phone 1


  1. Phone 2


  1. Phone 3


  1. Address Start Date


  1. Address End Date


  1. Additional Field 1


  1. Additional Field 2


Current Month Statements Snippets

Snippet Name



Sub Account


Statement Date


Shows the date on the most recent statement

Minimum Cycle


Shows the end date of the current minimum cycle

Minimum Unspent


Shows the amount left to spend for the current minimum cycle

Minimum Spent


Shows the amount spent for the current minimum cycle

Minimum Total


Shows the total minimum for the current minimum cycle

Minimum 2 Cycle


Shows the end date of the 2nd minimum cycle

Minimum 2 Unspent


Shows the amount left to spend for the 2nd minimum cycle

Minimum 2 Spent


Shows the amount spent for the 2nd minimum cycle

Minimum 2 Total


Shows the total minimum for the 2nd minimum cycle

Creditbook Date


Shows the date for the creditbook

Creditbook Balance


Shows the balance on the user's creditbook

Balance Forward


Shows the user's balance forward for the most recent statement

Total Due


Show the user's total amount due for the current statement



Shows the user's current total

Aged 30 Days


Shows the user's 30 day total

Age 60 Days


Shows the user's 60 day total

Aged 90 Days


Shows the user's 90 day total

Aged over 90 Days


Shows the user's 90+ day total

Last Updated


Shows the date the statement was last updated

Best Practices


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