Office (09.26.16) Release

Office (09.26.16) Release

Office - Release Notes


Accounts Payable

Manage Purchase Orders - Entry Form

  • UX Improvements (Same screen layout, improved user experience) 

Use Case: Entering data is now easier with this upgraded technology.  Quickly tab to move from field-to-field and enjoy this upgraded responsive form.

Manage Item Receipts - Entry Form

  • Same enhancements noted above.

Manage Vendor Invoices - Entry Form

  • Same enhancements noted above.

Interactive Reports

Membership - Gift Card Transaction Report

  • Updated to include a Gift Card Number search parameter.

Use Case: Researching a specific gift card history for a Member is now easy to do with the Gift Card Number search parameter added to the report.


Point of Sale - Monthly Sales Summary

  • Updated to include Grand Totals.

Use Case: Previously, this report contained columnar totals, but did not have the Grand Total summary for the report.  Now, it is possible to view the total of all activity in this report.


Member Payments - Cash Receipt Wizard

  • Updated the Cash Receipt Wizard to group line items for the same member and bank account/credit card so members only see one transaction even if the transaction has been split across multiple AR accounts.

Use Case: Previously, Clubs having multiple A/R Accounts (Dues A/R, House A/R, etc), generated multiple deposit records on the Club side, and multiple lines hitting the Member’s bank/credit card activity.  Now, if one Member payment of $600, is applied to (3) different A/R accounts, Member will see one charge on their Bank/Credit Card activity, and Club will see one deposit amount on the Club side.  This behind the scenes functionality requires no change on the Us