Office (12.04.23) Release


December 04, 2023








Member Birthday Report

  • Now users can set the age range to > 100.


  • South State Bank Positive Pay Export

  • The South State Bank Positive Pay Export now exports in .CSV as opposed to .TXT

Mobile POS



Kiosks and Member IDs

  • MPOS Kiosks will now accept the swipe ID entered into a member's profile when either scanning a card or manually entering at the kiosk.



Bug Fixes



  • CMA – We fixed an issue where the server tips report and item sales report were not displaying tickets properly when the date on the batch was changed.  

  • CMA – We fixed an issue where a member statement would show a negative line item when a reserve event was closed out to member charge leading members to believe they did not have to pay for the event. 


Like what you see? Click here to get help implementing these new features.