Office (08.15.22) Release

Office (08.15.22) Release


August 15, 2022






Mobile POS


Surcharging Updates on CC

  • In CC transactions when one is cancelled, declined or a ticket is reopened and items are added to it, the system will now automatically update the surcharge amount based on changes made to the ticket. It prevents duplicate surcharges by deleting out the old one and creating new ones on the ticket.


Event Member Charge

  • When member charging all to a calendar event in MPOS, the system will now prompt the user to select how they would like the tickets to be generated, either as “ticket per attendee” or “ticket per reservation” 

    If Ticket per Reservation is selected the system looks for the first eligible member to member charge, Primary with mem charge access. 


Gift Card Lookup and Special Characters

  • Before this update the system would allow for searching by special characters as long as the entire card information was not entered using the track id via unencrypted reader. Now, when the track is used to search for the entire card number special characters are available. 



Mobile Ordering Past Orders

  • Members can now see 1 year’s worth of their previous mobile orders 






Inventory Transaction Summary Export

  • ITSE report was not showing the same margin dollar or percentage amount as the Gross Margins report. It now does. 


Outstanding Vouchers Report

  • Clubs can select a specific item listed as a voucher to filter by. 




Surcharge Refunding in Batches

  • A refunded ticket with connected CC surcharge will show the surcharge refund amount on the debit side of the account in the CMA batch. 


Room Guest List Report

  • Two new columns have been added to the Room Guest list report. Rate Category and Stay Type. This should make sorting easier for clubs.

Gift Card Numbers Show on Settle Tickets

  • Clubs can now enable “ShowSoldGiftCardNumber” True/False Toggle from the receipt control on the settle ticket template. This will show all sold gift cards connected to the ticket. 


Guest Room Folios

  • The Master Folio Screen now has a running total to help clubs keep track of how much is still owed on all rooms within.  


Guest Room Folios

  • Charges added to a ticket will no longer see a folio connected to a deleted room




Bug Fixes


  • Mobile POS - Fixed an issue where MPOS buttons appeared to be “duplicating” under various different scenarios 

  • Mobile Ordering - Fixed an issue where members were able to complete their order without picking a location for delivery when the “allow carryout” area setting was unchecked.

  • CMA - Fixed an issue where the “outstand banquets deposits report” was rounding decimals to the nearest dollar

  • CMA - Fixed an issue where the member charge wizard was sometimes changing the price for combo items if a user closed out of a batch without finishing it, reopened the batch, and added more combos to be charged.


Like what you see? Click here to get help implementing these new features.



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