Office (04.24.23) Release

Office (04.24.23) Release


April 24, 2023





Mobile Point of Sale


Member Charging Tickets

  • If a ticket is closed to credit card and is in pending gratuity state or if the ticket was fully settled to credit card and then re-opened, the system will no longer cancel out the credit card capture and change it to member charge if you select all from open tickets and then choose Member Charge. 

Bug Fixes


  • Mobile POS - Fixed an issue where ask for price items added to a ticket were not appearing in the order entry screen if the price was $0.   

  • Mobile POS Config - Fixed an issue where staff with the proper permissions in CMA were unable to see various tabs in the config site.   

  • KDS - Fixed an issue where sometimes when a ticket is moved in KDS new tickets that come from MPOS would appear behind that ticket instead of at the back of the que.  

  • CMA - Fixed an issue where the member charge wizard was not properly respecting the tax inclusive flag when charging groups.


Like what you see? Click here to get help implementing these new features.



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