Office (07.10.23) Release

Office (07.10.23) Release


July 10, 2023





Mobile POS


Statement chits for Mobile POS tickets now support payment breakout

  • If you pay for a Mobile POS with split payment and the Statement ticket template for the area is not set to hide payment information, then the chit on the member's statement should now show the payments broken out by type. This will only apply to tickets settled after this update. 






Added new reporting options for the new Spa/Lessons/Provider system

 ​New interactive report in the Reservations section called “Provider Sales” - this report is filterable by item, service provider, or service and shows a summary of all sales by service provider.

  • Data Genie Sales Summary and Sales by Line-Item Detail views now include fields for Provider Name, Service Name, and Service Duration. 

Vendor invoice wizard duplicate error can now be overridden

  • Due to a previous enhancement, the vendor invoice wizard now checks for duplicate invoice numbers within the CSV file and displays an error if detected. Note: The import wizard not check the contents of the CSV against the contents of CMA, but instead, only checks the contents of the CSV for any duplicate invoice numbers under the same vendor.




Modifiers sent to other stations now display on the base item’s line station screen

  • When an item has another item as a modifier being routed to a different station (for example, a cold item with a hot modifier), the base item will now display the modifier with asterisks, letting the station know there is a modifier being prepared by another line. 


Bug Fixes


  • Mobile POS – Google SMTP can now be used in MPOS for receipt emails. Previously, emails attempted using Google SMTP for sending would fail. 

  • CMA - Fixed an issue that resulted in no report results in the Gross Margin Report if all item categories are deselected.

  • CMA - Fixed an issue in the Employee Hours Report and Timekeeping Export that resulted in gratuity not matching what was in the Server Tips Report.

  • CMA - Fixed an issue that resulted in the wrong CR batch number on related settlement batches when the CR batch contains a payment reversal/refund.


Like what you see? Click here to get help implementing these new features.



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