PayCloud - 11.09.20 - Releases

PayCloud - 11.09.20 - Releases


  • CE Payments - Partial Refund Support - Added the ability to partially refund payments made with the CE Payments processor in PayCloud. Multiple partial refunds can be submitted, up to the full amount of the original Payment. Previously, payments could only be fully refunded.


  • Multi AR - Application Order - PayCloud will now save the “Order to Apply Payments” defined in CMA’s system settings. Club’s with Multi AR accounts enabled for payment in PayCloud will display the accounts on the “Make a Payment” page in the same order as they are displayed in CMA.



Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with the Form Payments Integration where refreshing the PayCloud payment page when SSO’ed in from an Axis form would result in an error message

  • Fixed an issue where grid exports did not properly apply the date range filters

  • Fixed an issue where a problem settlement was preventing syncing CE Payments batches to CMA

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