PayCloud - 10.22.19 - Releases
CE Payments
- Payment Correlation ID has been added to enhance the method of syncing orphaned Payment Requests.
Use Case: Changed the method of syncing orphaned payment requests by adding a Payment Correlation ID. This process now allows us to better account for possibilities where a timeout or network interruption would prevent PayCloud from storing a response. Now the Payment Correlation ID helps identify these payments.
- Added a new Payment Status - Canceled by Processor.
Use Case: Added a new Payment Status ‘Canceled By Processor’. This status will help to differentiate payments canceled by the User from those canceled by the Processor. This was previously added in with the ‘Canceled’ status type. This new label will help differentiate between payments canceled by User and Canceled by Processor.
- Scheduled Payment Reminder email updated.
Use Case: Changed the format of the reminder email for Clubs using CE Payments with fees so that the Member would be reminded that a fee would be applied.
The email will read: You have an upcoming payment scheduled for {DATE}. As a reminder, you have elected to process this payment online and accept the associated service fees. In the event you wish to cancel this payment, please log in to the Club website and delete the payment through the online statements platform.
- Changed the method of sending Plastiq a ‘Correlation ID’.
Use Case: The goal is to tie payments made in PayCloud back to their reporting API results so that we could fix our orphaned Payment Sync. Will remedy the situation where a Plastiq Club where some payments may have gotten interrupted and CE is unsure of success. There was no definitive way to tie the payment back to its original.
- Office Payment Sync to now account for Refunds and Errors.
Use Case: Changed method of syncing payments to inform Office of refunded payments by identifying the specific Transfer ID in CE Payments. In addition, this will account for payments that were originally successful but later failed. Specifically for CE Payments, as we do not support refunds through other processors. Status Type for Payment Success (Refunded, Canceled, etc.) has also been added to the Office Payment Sync.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that prevented CE Payments scheduled payments from working if the fee profile was set a certain way (Hot Fix).
- Fixed an issue in Chrome that would allow the scheduled payment confirmation page to double submit, which would schedule two payments.
- Fixed an issue that prevented error messages from showing in mobile view for Current Activity, Credit Book, and Gift Card pages.