PayCloud - 2.8.21 - Releases

PayCloud - 2.8.21 - Releases


  • Payment Notification Updates:

    • Updated the instructions included in the Future Scheduled Payment email notification that is sent to members that have an upcoming scheduled payment. 

    • Previously, the email notification instructed members to login to Paycloud if they wished to cancel their scheduled payment. 

    • Most members don’t know their Paycloud login since they SSO via their Club’s Website. 

    • Now the instructions inform the member to login to their Club’s Website and delete their payment through the online statements platform. 

  • $0 Auto Drafts:

    • The “Batch Sum” column in the Auto Draft History grid will now show “$0” instead of a blank for processed batches that ran for no funds.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with Event Payments where the Axis > PayCloud SSO would error if no ACH processor was set.

  • Fixed an issue where clubs with large logos/banners would cause a horizontal scroll.

  • Fixed an issue where a payment syncing delay could cause Payment Notification emails to fail.

  • Fixed an intermittent/rare issue that would incorrectly prevent a member from making a PayCloud payment using the CE Payments processor.

Like what you see? Click here to get help implementing these new features.


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