Paycloud (04.11.22) Release Notes
April 11, 2022
Ability to select Default Card on File
Members will now be able to, given that their club is using CE Payments Card on File, select a credit card or payment type on file to set as the default card that is used when processing POS transactions at the club.
Update the verbiage of the Email Confirmation
When a new member/user signs up and inputs all of their information they are sent a confirmation email to confirm that the email they input is correct. When you open that email we have updated the verbiage from “Email Confirmed” to “Confirm your email” so that it no longer appears that your email has already been confirmed and users are made aware of the fact they need to press the blue “Confirm Email” button under that header.
Officially disabled use of Plastiq Integration.
Replaced Plastiq embedded payment page with a link to open Plastiq in a new window/tab
Payment type column added to CE Payments settlement report
Clubs will now be able to add the payment type column to their CE payment settlement reports
Statement publish date is now visible within the Payment History Report
In the payment history report there is a new field that logs what the publish date was set to when the payment ran. For skipped scheduled payments, there is also a new column for “Logged Statement Publish Date”.
Bug Fixes
Users unable to make a payment the day before a blackout day
Fixed an issue where (on the non-React MVC page for “Make a Payment”, if a blackout day was set for one day after the current date and a user attempted to make a payment after 8 pm est, they would be met with an error message warning them that the day is blacked out and would be unable to make their payment.
Incorrect statement balance appearing when Multi AR is enabled and “Statement Balance” payment type was selected - React Scheduled Payment
Fixed an issue where a club would have the “Multi AR” setting enabled and a member would select the payment amount of “Statement Balance”, the value displayed on the React Scheduled Payment page was not fully capturing the multi AR statement balance and was instead showing a non-multi ar statement balance.