PayCloud - 12.07.20 - Releases

PayCloud - 12.07.20 - Releases


  • CE Payments -Transaction Limit Exceeded Error Handling: When a member attempts a payment that exceeds a Club’s Maximum Transaction Limit, Paycloud will now display an intuitive error message, and send automated emails to both the Member and Club Admins, notifying them of the issue, and explaining how to request a limit increase.


  • CE Payments - AutoDraft Enrollment Removal: When a member’s payment fails due to incorrect payment account information, PayCloud removes the account so that the member can re-enter the correct information. This logic has been updated to also remove the flag that indicates this member is enrolled in AutoDraft if necessary.


  • CE Payments - Calendar Event Payments: The Paycloud/Website Calendar Event Integration has been updated with new styling and efficiency. In addition, users can now complete Event Payments using a Safari browser.

  • Office Sync - Deleted Member Number Changes: When a user changes the member number of a deleted member in CMA, that member number change will now sync from CMA to Paycloud, so that the member number is updated in Paycloud as well.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the Forms Payments integration was not auto selecting a default account. 

  • Fixed an issue where a Partial Refund was not properly updating the Total after clearing out the refund amount.

  • Fixed an issue where members were seeing an error when making a One Time Payment for Clubs that had both the “Disallow Partial Payments” enabled and Multiple AR accounts enabled for Payments. If the member selected to pay either their Current Balance or their Statement Balance on the Make A Payment Page, they incorrectly received an error stating that their payment amount had to be greater than zero.

  • Fixed an issue where the Member Type column in the New AutoDraft grid was not always populated.

  • Fixed an issue with the React version of “Manage Payment Methods” where some members were not able to see all their payment accounts.

Like what you see? Click here to get help implementing these new features.


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