PayCloud - 9.3.20 - Releases


  • Multi A/R Accounts - Deletion Support

Use Case: When an AR account is deleted in CMA, the change will also sync to PayCloud so that the AR account is automatically deleted.


  • CE Payments -  AutoDraft Processing Performance

Use Case: Performance improvements were made to the payment processing times for AutoDraft batches, ensuring all payments in large autodraft batches make the 7pm EST processing cutoff


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with SSO where attempting to register for a Calendar Event using Paycloud payments would prompt the user to login to PayCloud

  • Fixed an issue where Event Payments and Form Payments did not show Member’s stored credit cards

  • Added additional layers of duplicate payment prevention logic to the AutoDraft/Scheduled payments processes


Like what you see? Click here to get help implementing these new features.