Paycloud (02.23.22) Release Notes

Paycloud (02.23.22) Release Notes



February 23, 2022


Bug Fixes


Statement Balances with “Include current period credits” setting turned off were incorrectly including the current period credits

Fixed an issue where statement balance scheduled payments with “Include current period credits” setting turned off was still including the current period credits in the balance (if you had multiAR payments enabled, it was functioning correctly)

Not properly displaying Finix error responses

There is a list of error responses that we attempt to capture and display proper responses to, not all of them were displaying the correct response and were instead appearing as generic “errors”

Scheduled Payment Confirmation pop up verbiage change

Scheduled payments in React were popping up with the message “Please click submit to process a payment….” when what a user was actually doing was scheduling a payment. New verbiage “Please click submit to schedule a payment…

React One Time Payments with setting turned on were not properly preventing duplicate payments

One time payments done through react were not respecting the CE payments Processor setting for “disallow duplicate payments” and were allowing members to make duplicate payments.

React - MultiAR Payments Would error when a statement balance was left blank

When leaving a statement balance as blank on a multiAR payment, the system was not automatically adding $0 to the statement which caused the calculations to fail and a validation error to display


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