Paycloud (12.13.21) Release
December 14, 2021
Add Credit Card for Non Members
Guests can now save a CC (MVC or React) using the CE Payments Processor. (Most commonly in Guest Form Payments)
Bug Fixes
Form and Event payments not receiving payment notification emails
Fixed an issue where users would fill out an event payment form and submit the payment and would not receive a payment confirmation email
React statement logo not loading
Fixed an issue where some clubs logos may show as a broken image icon on the member statements.Will now fall back to displaying the club name if no logo image is selected.
React Pages - Scheduled Payment not prevented for Autodraft member
Fixed a problem for the React scheduled payment page when a member is enrolled in auto draft and the payment setting to allow scheduled payments is not enabled the scheduled payments page will now only show upcoming payments and disallow scheduling payments.
Like what you see? Click here to get help implementing these new features.