Office (09.06.22) Release


September 6, 2022






Mobile POS


Including Alt Name with Member name in Member lookup

  • When using the member lookup in Mobile POS it will now include the Alt name as a part of the Member name. Clubs can update the ALT name within the member’s Office profile under Membership.


Ability to Remove items added to a kiosk check-in ticket

  • Members will now have the ability to remove items they have added to a ticket when doing a self check-in at a kiosk station This will not allow members to remove items auto generated through the check in process, including check in items and reservation fee defaults.


Displaying the number of new orders on the Mobile Orders tab

  • The system will now display the number of new incoming orders on the mobile orders tab so long as the orders come in while the device is turned on and has a user signed into it. Any order that comes in while the device is asleep or not signed in to will not update the mobile order count  



Addition of an unlock button to the “All Open Tickets” grid

  • The all open tickets grid in Mobile POS now includes an unlock button when selecting 1 or multiple tickets



Displaying start letter when there are no reservations at a given time

  • Mobile POS Tee Times will now display the start letter if there are no reservations for a given time




Gift Receipt Copy

  • Clubs now have the ability to print a 2nd gift receipt copy at settle


Ability to favorite an item that does not have any modifiers

  • Servers now have the ability to favorite items that do not have modifiers for their members